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  • Tags: solo

African American bassist and composer Xavier Foley has written many works for double bass. These works can be purchased through the composer's website and in one large collection of solo works.

Venezuelan composer Mirtu Escalona-Mijares composed and dedicated "Palabras de Maderas" for Cyprien Busolini at the Fondation Suisse, Cité Interntionale Universitaire de Paris. As written on the publisher's website: "Paris - France.Love, Peace,…

Venezuelan composer Diana Arismendi composed "They Claim" for solo double bass. Dedicated to Edicson Ruiz, They Claim is a one movement work, a challenging piece with political undertones.

Venezuelan composer Diana Arismendi composed "Suite para cello solo" in 2003. Composed in six movement, the Suite has an Oberture, Allemande, Courante, Sarabanda, Interludio, and Giga.

Ugandan composer Justinian Tamusuza wrote "Okukoowoola Kw'Ekkondeere" in 2006. Hickey's Music Center website includes the following notes: "An unaccompanied horn call by one of Africa's leading composers, it adds unique diversity to the solo horn…

Sri Lankan-born Canadian composer Dinuk Wijeratne composed "Colour Study in Rupaktaal" in 2007. The work was commissioned by pianist David Jalbert and received its world premiere at "Music Toronto" series in Toronto, Ontario in May 2007. Wijeratne's…

Queer Afro-Latinx violinist and composer Darian Donoovan Thomas wrote "Disintegrating Foundation Under a Catastrophe of Air" in 2020/2021. Commissioned by Bass Players for Black Composers. The composer's website includes the following statement:…

Puerto Rican composer Roberto Sierra's "Segundo Album de Boleros" was composed in 2017.

Puerto Rican composer Roberto Sierra composed "La Memoria" on commission from Matt Haimovitz.

Originally from Aberdeen, Scotland, Black American composer Richard Thompson's "Six Preludes" was written for piano.
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