Acknowledgements and Bibliography


Dr. Nicolas Lepine - for teaching our honours seminar, "Cold War in Africa," and for encouraging our research projects. 

Inéz Petrazzini - for her invaluable help behind the scenes. 

Roxanne Lafleur - for her orchestration, her technical acumen, and her infalliable support. 

My Classmates: Aidan, Dawson, William, and Melanie - for the encouragement. 


General Cold War Historiography

Alperovitz, Gar. Hiroshima and Potsdam. New York: Vintage Books, 1965.

Carr, E.H. A History of Soviet Russia. London: Macmillan Press, 1950-1978.

Connolly, Matthew. "Taking Off the Cold War Lens: Visions of North-South Conflict during the Algerian War for Independence" American Historical Review 105, no. 3 (2000): 739-769.

Feis, Herbert. Roosevelt-Churchill-Stalin: The War They Waged and the Peace They Sought. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1957.

Fleming, Denna. The Cold War and its Origins, 1917-1960. London: Allen & Unwin, 1961.

Foglesong, David. America’s Secret War Against Bolshevism: U.S. Intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1917-1920. Chapel Hill: UNC Press, 1995.

Gaddis, John Lewis. "The Tragedy of the Cold War." Diplomatic History 17, no. 1 (1993): 1-16.

Gaddis, John Lewis. The United States and the Origins of the Cold War, 1941-1947. New York: Columbia University Press, 1972.

Gardner, Lloyd. Architects of Illusion. Chicago: Quadrangle, 1970.

Kennan, George M. American Diplomacy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951.

Kennan, George M. “The Sources of Soviet Conduct” Foreign Affairs, 1947.

Kolko, Joyce and Gabriel Kolko. The Limits of Power: The World and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1945-1954. New York: Harper and Row, 1972.

Lafeber, Walter. America, Russia, and the Cold War. New York: J.W. and Sons, 1972.

Lasch, Christopher. The Agony of the American Left. New York: Vintage, 1968.

Leffler, M. P. A Preponderance of Power: National Security, the Truman Administration, and the Cold War. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992.

Leffler, M. P., Westad, Odd Arne. The Cambridge History of the Cold War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Levin Jr., Gordon. Woodrow Wilson and World Politics: America’s Response to War and Revolution. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968.

Maddox, Robert James. The New Left and the Origins of the Cold War. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973.

May, Ernest. “The Cold War,” in Joseph S. Nye, Jr. (ed.), The Making of America's Soviet Policy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984.

Morgenthau, Hans Jr. In Defense of the National Interest: A Critical Examination of the Cold War. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1951.

Nashel, Jonathan. "Cold War (1945-91): Changing Interpretations." In John Whiteclay Chambers II, ed., The Oxford Companion to American Military History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Patterson, Thomas G. Soviet-American Confrontation: Postwar Reconstruction and the Origins of the Cold War. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1973.

Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr. “The Origins of the Cold War." Foreign Affairs, 46 (1967): 22-52.

Trachtenberg, Mark. The Cold War and After: History, Theory, and the Logic of International Politics. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012.

Wallerstein, Immanuel. The Modern World System I: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of    the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century. New York: Academic Press, 1974.

Wallerstein, Immanuel. “The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System: Concepts  for Comparative Analysis.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 16, no. 4 (1974): 387-415.

Westad, Odd Arne. The Global Cold War: Third World Interventions and the Making of Our Times. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Williams, William Appleman. The Tragedy of American Diplomacy. Cleveland: World Pub. Co., 1959.

Cuba and Africa

Birmingham, David, ‘The Twenty-Seventh of May, an Historical Note on the Abortive 1977 Coup in Angola’, African Affairs, 77, 308 (July 1978): 554–63.

Birmingham, David. Frontline Nationalism in Angola and Mozambique. London: James Currey, 1992.

Birmingham, David. Empire in Africa: Angola and its Neighbors. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2006.

Birmingham, David. A Short History of Modern Angola. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Bridgland, Fred. Jonas Savimbi, A Key to Africa. Edinburgh: Mainstream, 1986.

Domínguez, Jorge I. Cuba: Order and Revolution. Cambridge: Belknap Press, 1978.

Domínguez, Jorge I. To Make a World Safe for Revolution: Cuba's Foreign Policy. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1989.

Domínguez, Jorge I., ‘Cuban Foreign Policy’, Foreign Affairs, 57, 1 (1978): 83–106.

Duignan, Peter; Gann, L.H. Communism in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Reappraisal. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 2008.

Durch, W. J. “The Cuban Military in Africa and the Middle East: From Algeria to Angola.” Studies in Comparative Communism, 11, no. 1–2 (1978): 34–74.

George, Edward. The Cuban Intervention in Angola, 1965–1991. New York: Frank Cass, 2005.

Gleijeses, Piero. Conflicting Missions: Havana, Washington, and Africa, 1959-1976. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002.

Gleijeses, Piero. Visions of Freedom: Havana, Washington, Pretoria and the Struggle for Southern Africa, 1976-1991. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2013.

Gleijeses, Piero.  “Moscow’s Proxy?  Cuba and Africa 1975–1988.” Journal of Cold War Studies 8, no. 2 (2006): 3–51

Gleijeses, Piero. “The First Ambassadors: Cuba’s Contribution to Guinea-Bissau’s War of Independence.” Journal of Latin American Studies 29 (1997): 45–86.

Halperin, Maurice. Return to Havana: The Decline of Cuban Society Under Castro. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1994.

Harris, R. L. “Cuban Internationalism, Che Guevara, and the Survival of Cuba’s Socialist Regime.” Latin American Perspectives 36, no. 166 (2009): 27–42.

Hatzky, Christine. Cubans in Angola: South-South Cooperation and Transfer of Knowledge, 1976–1991. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2015.

Hatzky, Christine. “‘Os Bons Colonizadores’: Cuba’s Educational Mission in Angola, 1976-1991.” Safundi 9, no.1 (2008): 53–68.

Klepak, Hal. Cuba's Military 1990–2005: Revolutionary Soldiers During Counter-Revolutionary Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2006.

Liebenberg, Ian; Risquet, Jorge; Shubin, Vladimir. A Far-Away War: Angola, 1975–1989.  Stellenbosch: Sun Media Press, 1997.

Pérez, Louis A. Cuba: Between Reform and Revolution. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.

Ra’anan, G. D. The Evolution of the Soviet Use of Surrogates in Military Relations with the Third World, with Particular Emphasis on Cuban Participation in Africa. Santa Monica: The Rand Corporation, 1979.

Tareke, G. “The Ethiopia-Somalia War of 1977 Revisited.” The International Journal of African Historical Studies, 33, no. 3 (2000): 635–667.

Williams, J. H. “Cuba: Havana’s Military Machine.” The Atlantic. August 1988.
