Panafrican Climate Justice Alliance

Dublin Core


Panafrican Climate Justice Alliance


PACJA's mission is to maintain a network of community-based organizations across Africa for the purposes of advancing a just, human rights-based, inclusive approach to address climate change. They do this through a variety of ongoing projects, and they have five strategic focuses: research and development, public engagement and mobilization, policy influence, institutional and governance strengthening, and holding governments accountable. Their goals are to influence climate policy and to support those most impacted by the climate crisis, including farmers, rural women, forest communities, etc. by strengthening their voices on a national and international level.

Organization Item Type Metadata


ENGO (Environmental Non-Governmental Organization)

Advocacy Reach

international organization

Year founded



House No.J13, Kabarnet road, Ngong Road, Nairobi, Kenya

Associated Course

Introduction to Sociology II (Carleton SOCI 1002)

Student Cataloguer

Michelle Graham


Michelle Graham, “Panafrican Climate Justice Alliance,” Recipro: The history of international and humanitarian aid, accessed July 2, 2024,

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