Shakespeare in Canada: A Cultural Map

Shakespeare in Canada: Exploring Our Cultural History through Digital Humanities

A project to create an online interactive cultural map of the presence of the Bard and the way in which his works have shaped Canadian culture.

Browse Items (363 total)

031-DSAI NAC.jpg

Exhibit created for course assignment in the seminar ENG 4142 "How Shakespeare Became 'Shakespeare'". View full exhibit

Comedy of Errors Design Board Collection.pdf
These boards were created for the production ofTheComedy of Errors,atthe National Arts Centre (in co-production with Centaur Theatre Company). Some of the major design inspirations on the boards come from the Via Rail Station, the statue of the…

The Player Queen dress that was worn by actor Don Goodspeed in the NAC's 1979 production of Hamlet.

A photo of James Hurdle in his costume as Claudius, Hamlet's step-father, for the NAC's 1979 production ofHamlet.

This to scale maquette of the Hamlet set was createdby John Ferguson in 1979. It allowed for director John Wood to see how Ferguson had interpreted the concept of the play. The production omitted the revolving square centre stage as that was only…

SC_UO_NAC_Ottawa Citizen Article.png
Newspaper article from the Ottawa Citizen from 1979.The article by Shirley Foley, a staff writer for the Ottawa Citizen, focuses on the interview with John Ferguson, the costume designer, and his personal choices in designing the costume for Denise…

An exterior view of the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

CS-Cordelia-NAC-KL2012 .pdf
Worn by Jani Lauzon

Worn by Tantoo Cardinal
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