"12 Pdr. Naval Gun on Regent Stage With An Ottawa Naval Crew" [newspaper photograph]

February 28 1925 - 11 - 2 copy.png


"12 Pdr. Naval Gun on Regent Stage With An Ottawa Naval Crew" [newspaper photograph]




Photo of naval men and canon representing the prologue before showings of Zeebrugge at the Regent in 1925.
Inscription: 12-Pdr. Naval Gun on Regent Stage With an Ottawa Naval Crew | The ship's gun and crew from the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, Ottawa Company, engaging in a dummy submarine attach, as presented in a prologue to "Zeebrugge" the official Admiralty reconstruction of the Glorious Naval Epic which took place on St. George's Day, 1918. The naval gun is now in the Regent Theatre. Its weight is almost 1 1-2 ton. The crew is composed of Ottawa buys, all of whom have seen sacrifice on warships during their annual summer training. The training periods of this company consist of drills in Ottawa on Friday evenings in local barracks, 305 Wellington street, during the year, and two weeks at the coast in summer, in barracks or on a warship, all expenses being paid. The summer trips are taken when best suited to each individual. This event at the Regent is unusual, and is a rare opportunity for the Ottawa public to witness a naval gun in action. The picture is being shown under the distinguished patronage of Their Excellencies The Governor-General and The Lady Byng of Vimy.


"12 Pdr. Naval Gun on Regent Stage With An Ottawa Naval Crew," Ottawa Journal, February 28 1925: 11.
Microfilm from Ottawa Public Library

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