"Special Music for 'Bagdad' Film" [newspaper article]



"Special Music for 'Bagdad' Film" [newspaper article]




A rare mention of an original film music score comes up in this article on the Français' showing of The Thief of Bagdad.
Inscription: Special Music for 'Bagdad' Film | A successful effort to retrieve the spirit of the ancient Bagdad melodies was made by Mortimer Wilson, conductor-composer of New York, who wrote the musical score for Douglas Fairbanks' "The Thief of Bagdad," which comes to the Francais Theatre for two days, commencing next Monday. the stories the aged story tellers of Bagdad related around the blazing fires to camel drivers and travellers centuries ago have been preserved in "The Arabian Nights," but the music of that day has been lost forever. Mortimer Wilson reincarnated it. He has caught all the romance, beauty, colour, and glitter of that ancient city and interpreted it in terms of notes and bars. The success of his efforts is due to the fact that he took his inspiration directly from the picture, viewing each scene shortly after it was taken and then setting his impressions to music.


"Special Music for 'Bagdad' Film." Ottawa Journal. January 30 1926: 15.
Microfilm from Ottawa Public Library

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