'La vie de Boheme' at Flower [advertisement]

Flower advertisement December 9 1916 p 25.jpeg


'La vie de Boheme' at Flower [advertisement]




An advertisement for a showing of William A. Brady's version of 'La vie de Boheme' at the Flower describes the "better kind of music" provided by pianist Norton H. Payne, who accompanied the film with "the complete musical score of Puccini's opera 'La Boheme'".
Inscription: Bohemian Atmosphere: A photoplay adaptation of Henry Murger's wonderful book "La Vie de Boheme," which depicts more accurately than any other work, the true mode of living, the pains and the joys of a carefree people their ideal in life, their deep feeling of love and emotions, a masterpiece of literature made into a photoplay masterpiece through the genius of the charming young artist, Alice Brady and her director, Albert Capellani, assisted by a company of players especially chosen by William A. Brady to portray accurately the role called for in this great work.
World-Pictures | Brady-Made | Coming | Kitty Gordon in Her Maternal Right | Robert Warwick in Sudden Riches | Holbrook Blinn in Weakness of Man | Clara Kimball Young in The Feast of Life | House Peters in The Rail Raider | Alice Brady in Tangled Fates | Robt. Warwick in Friday the 13th | Gall Kane in The Man Who Stood Still | Clara Kimball Young in The Dark Silence
Flower | Mon. Tues. Wed | Regal Film Corporation Through William A. Brady in association with the World Film Corporation presents "The Biggest Event of the Season" | Alice Brady as "Mimi" in a Picturization of Henry Murger's Famous Book of Intimate Bohemian Life | La vie de Boheme | In 6 Acts | Coming --- Dec. 18, 19, 20 | Kitty Gordon in "Her Maternal Right"
Special Music | Mr. Norton H. Payne, T.C.L. who is generally accorded to be one of Ottawa's cleverest concert pianists, will render, on an Erard Grand Piano, the complete musical score of Puccini's opera, "La Boheme." The composer's work to the story, "La Vie de Boheme" is known the world over, especially "The Muzetta" from Act 2 | Mr. Payne understands the composer's moods thoroughly in his opera, as he was one of the few to be allowed to attend the rehearsals at "Convent Garden," London, Eng, previous to its appearance there. | So those lovers of the better kind of music will in no way be disappointed at Mr. Payne's recital each day from 2-5 and 7.30-10.30 p.m.
Wm. A. Brady | The activities of William A. Brady at the World Film Corporation is best typified by the expressions he has made to the daily papers since his installation there as the directing head. | To Archie Bell o the Cleveland Leader, he said that he would now devote the major part of his time to pictures because he feels that they have a greater field and that that field cannot be ruined by cheap, sensational and salacious films and he believes many persons prefer the films because they can see such productions as Tolstoi's "Resurrection" when they do not have time to read the book and that he saw great literary possibilities in films for the public. | With the idea in mind of catering exclusively to the higher tastes of the photoplay patrons at large, Mr. Brady's forthcoming productions demonstrate his sincerity and further the distinct personality of his original ideas. | He has formed a happy blending of players of stellar magnitude, noted artists and costing of more than one star to each production, so that the casts balance in every instance, as has always characterised the Brady stage productions.


Flower theatre advertisement. Ottawa Journal. December 9 1916: 25.
Microfilm from Ottawa Public Library

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