"The Eternal Light" at the Russell Theatre [advertisement]

Apr 8 1922 - 19 - good copy.jpg


"The Eternal Light" at the Russell Theatre [advertisement]




"The Eternal Light" was presented with a "Special Musical Setting" performed by the St. James Cathedral choir of Montreal at the Russell Theatre.
Inscription: "The Eternal Light" | The world's greatest photoplay. The sensation of two continents. | A magnificent 8-part masterpiece depicting the life of Christ, with every scene taken in Egypt and the Holy Land. | Wherever this big spectacle has been presented it has broken all attendance records. | Canon Shatford | Rector of S. James the Apostle Church, said of "The Eternal Light:" | "It is in every sense of the word a great production. Artistically it is as nearly faultless as any human undertaking it could be. There is nothing in it that jars the sense of what is fitting and proper. One shrinks naturally from any impersonation of Christ, or from any theatrical exhibition of His intimate sufferings, but in this presentation it was all done so reverently and devoutly that every objection is obviated. I hope that every one will see this truly wonderful picture of the Greatest Life in History, for I am satisfied that is cannot fail to leave a lasting impression for good on the devout mind. | "The musical accompaniment of the choir of singers added immensely to the value of the presentation and gave just the atmosphere required for the occasion." | Special Musical Setting | The splendid choir from St. James Cathedral, Montreal, will sing during the presentation of this sublime photostory. | Avoid Evening Crowds by attending the Matinees. | Three Shows Daily - at 3, 7 and 9 p.m. | Matinees: 25c; Evenings: 25c and 50c. | All Next Week (Afternoon and Evening) | Russell Theatre


Russell Theatre advertisement. Ottawa Journal. April 8, 1922: 19.
Microfilm from Ottawa Public Library.

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