"Canada's Brave Sons off to the War" event at the Russell Theatre [advertisement]



"Canada's Brave Sons off to the War" event at the Russell Theatre [advertisement]




advertisement; Biography; military; Russell


Early notice of films being shown at the Russell Theatre.
Inscription: Canada's Brave Sons off to the War | FOR THE | National Patriotic Fund | Under the Immediate Patronage of | Their Excellencies the Governor-General and Countess of Minto | THE BIOGRAPH | Only perfect moving pictures of the | parades and departure at Halifax of | THE SECOND CONTINGENT | With splendid moving views relative | to the | WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA | All the great generals, regiments, | personages and events of the day, | Music by the military bands. | Songs by Miss Beverley Robinson | and other distinguished artists. Recitations by Captain Graham, A.D.C., | and sketches by Mr. Oven A. Smiley. | Russell Theatre | FRIDAY AND SATURDAY | FEB. 23. and 24. | At 3.30 and 8.15 p.m. | Evenings-$1, 75c, 50c, 25c. | Afternoons-50c, 25c. | Children, 15c | Seats on sale at the box office.


Russell Theatre advertisement. Ottawa Journal. February 8, 1900: 3.
Microfilm from Ottawa Public Library.

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