Singing Pebble Books Teen Display 2022

Singing Pebble Books is an independent Mind/Body/Spirit bookstore located in downtown Ottawa, Ontario. They carry a great range of non-fiction books and objects related to topics of spirituality, health, and science. They also have a neat corner dedicated to children’s and Young Adult literature, ranging from picture books to fantasy series and memoirs. On our visit in January 2022, we were most interested in seeing the diversity of representation in the Young Adult fiction they had chosen to feature.

Sketch by: Sarah Reinprecht-Lackner (2022)

Listen along with the exhibit playlist! Each analyzed book in the exhibit has a corresponding song:

Here is a list of the book-to-song correlations:   

“The Display” page provides more information on the books we chose to analyze.


Katherine Jenkinson, Sarah Reinprecht-Lackner, Ellie Wilson (2022)