EnglishThis item offers us a glance at marbled paper very typical of the 18th century, with its traditional choice of colours and a design typical of the era; many similar examples are to be found in the collection. The Encyclopedie by Diderot and…
This is a typical example of the decoration of binding using the technique of gilding. While generally ornamental decorations were applied by means of gilding irons and rolls onto the spine, here we have a something of a portrait, a…
Ce document constitue une feuille de chant destinée à être utilisée durant la marche et le ralliement organisée en 1983 à Ottawa durant la semaine Internationale des Femmes.
English This item is a hand drawn map of the walking tour included in Still ain't satisfied! booklet. It details a walking tour of downtown Toronto with profiles on locations that were seen as oppressive to women. FrançaisCe plan dessiné à la main…
EnglishThis item is a booklet entitled Still ain't satisfied! It contains a walking tour of downtown Toronto with profiles on locations that were seen as oppressive to women.FrançaisCe livret intitulé Still ain't satisfied! (Pas encore…