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Digitial Humanities @ uOttawa

About Me

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I would like to start with an introduction so that my perspective and identity as a writer and researcher is clear from the outset, in line with feminist standpoint theory that considers knowledge to be situated (D’Ignazio & Klein, 2020). I am a white cisgender able-bodied queer woman who lives, works and studies in Ottawa, Ontario on the un-ceded territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin people, however I have spent most of my life living in Yellowknife, on Chief Drygeese territory. I will be approaching this research from the position of an Information Studies graduate student who has visited and used academic and seed libraries but has no experience delivering these services. I am a gardener and an amateur seed saver. Environmental sustainability and food security are important global goals towards which I endeavour to contribute through my work and personal pursuits. I have professional knowledge of environmental sustainability, and personal interest knowledge in food security.

This project was supervised by Dr. Jada Watson, a white settler scholar at the University of Ottawa. Dr. Watson's research focuses on the formation, development and evolution of genre cultures and communities, with specific interest in the role of market data in the formation and evolution of music genre categories. She does some cool work in the country music space (among other things) that I encourage you to explore.