
Sept valeurs anishinaabeg.png

The animals of the seven Anishnaabe values


In the Anishinaabe oral tradition, seven sacred teachings, also known as the Seven Grandfather Teachings, were offered to the people so each may live in harmony with every creature and every aspect of the world around them. There are many versions of the teachings, but they consist of the foundation of the many First Nations' ways of life. The principales of these teachings The principles of these teachings revolve around seven core values represented by an animal: truth (turtle), respect (buffalo), honesty (giant), humility (wolf), wisdom (beaver), courage (bear) and love (eagle). Below is an abbreviated version, in Anishinabemowin, French and English of the teachings as presented by Edward Benton-Banai (1988)

The statements below, in Anishinabemowin and English, for each value were developed with the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation as part of the Niganenakwemin / Nous défendrons / We will Defend permanent exhibit located at the Cégep de l'Outaouais in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada.


Tepwewin - Mikinag / Truth - Turtle

Kidji kikenidameg tepwewin panima ki kikenidaman ashitc kidji nisidotaman kakina inakonikewinan eki minikoag Kejé Manido kapena kidji tean iima. Ikidonaniwan nidam Kije Mando ka ojiadjin awian oki minan ekidji kidjitwa wanig odinakonikewin, aawe kidji tcotco Mikinag kewin teban kidji nakadjidotc iniwe inakonikewinan eka wikat kidji wanikaniwanig koni kidji wanidjikatenig, aawe Mikinag owaokanikag mikikate 13 midadjejin tipig kiziz ewabadaiwaniwag tasin tepwewinan etetibackatc kainikokwag aki ashitc kizisokak. 28 nijitana ashitc nianeniwin iji pepejise owaokanikag eiji wabataikonaniwag inikig etatc ikwe owiaokag. Kaiji kitci mackawakonetc Mikinag wabataiwaniwag maia wiaw kaojidodj ka kidji mackawisitc ka kikanitc ashitc kidji mikawasomikonaniwag Kije Mando kaiji kikinwamaketc.

Our mother Earth has been created in the back of the turtle. Observe the turtle and we will understand the truth. On its shell, there are thirteen moons: one moon for each lunar cycle of each revolution of the earth around the sun. The moons are the signs that our mother Earth is watching over us. Observe the strength and stability of the turtle. She moves slowly and understands that the road of life is as important as the destination.


Manadjiiwewin - Bishiki / Respect - Buffalo

Bishiki ewamakaniwitc eiji pimatisitc ashitc kakina ejinakositc winikag wabadjikateni manadjiadjin odji awiagon. Kawin kotag awesis tesi epitc abitenimakaniwitc odji pepejikotena anishinabeg aawe awesis, kidji shawenidjikan kimikiwe akasimon pidjikonaanan ashitc mokoman padakakweigan tasokajig ki abadjidjikatekin. Anishinabeg winawa otiji tepwetanawa enakadjiawadjin iniwe bishikin ebabaokontidjin oki mino widjiawan dash ini Bishikin mi maia manadjiiwewin ka inenibamowatc.

Observe the buffalo, as it teaches us the respect. He sacrifices to help our sustenance. Its life is not less important than ours, quite the contrary. Do not waste anything and use everything with wisdom. Appreciate what you need and always give if you have more. Treat others the same way you would like to be treated … with respect. Learn the respect and the weighting. Apply the law of return, because what we give to others will always come back.

Misabe - geant.png

Tepweedamowin - Glooscap / Honesty - Giant

Kidji weckatc tegoban misabe Glooscap ijinikasogoban widji mosemagoban kotag awian ewidamawadjin kidji tepweetamowatc enakishkamowatc Kije manido otinakonikewin kidji manadjiitiwag etepweenimawadjin pepejig awian. Nawatc emishag manadjiiwewin okikenidan awiag kaikidonaniwag ago « ka pimosetc etepweenimaganiwitc nabé » kicpin maia tepweenidag okikenidan kedjinam eki ikidotc odji Kije mando awiagon acitc win tipinawe. Kidji anishinabeg ikidoag « eka wikat kidji kakwedjidoan kidji pakanakowidisoan kodag awiag kidji wi ijinakosian wewenda pimatisin ki djijakojikag dapasenimitison kinikag acitc odapinan awenen kin tapickotc ka Kije manido kaijiig. »

The giant understands the honesty. The giant accepts and know how to develop his gift of honesty. He does not envy power, strength, beauty from the others. Heuses his gift to live and grow. Be our inspiration. To always want more, don’t say to the Creator that He has not given enough? We have everything we need. Be honest towards ourselves and towards others. In our every word, look for sincerity.


Dapasenimowin - Maigan / Humility – Wolf

Kidji wabadaman ashitc kidji kikenidaman ekidji mackawisitc ekidji apitenidagositc apitc win nabé aawe ka kikenimakaniwitc Kije manido koni ka Kijenidag eijinawakaniwidj mawatc kidji awiag. Kidji dash maia ndotaman odji ka tepenidjiketc ewabadaatc kakina dapickotc kitishinakosimin epimatisiag Panima ki kadjidinaiag tabasenimowin odjidjakosh. Iiwe dabasenimowin kaikidonaniwag kika widjiag awiakog abwamashi kin. Mi edodag Maigan epimatisitc ekikinwamaketc. Onishikweta ewabamikodjin widji maiganan emanadjiadjin acitc ishkwa nisadjin awesisan kawin wisinisi oka pian witci maiganan midash eishi babakwenamatiwatc kidji wisiniwatc. Eka tedj owidjiwakanikag ebabapeshikotc eka ekotadjidj ashitc emanadjiadjin widji maiganan ekidji wabadjikateg midash eshi pimatisiwatc anishinabeg.

Inspire ourselves from the wolf to recognize the humility. See how he lives according to the whole pack. Observe, he bends the spine in the presence of other members of the pack as a sign of respect, not fear. The wolf recognizes that he is only a small part of the whole. To be rejected from the pack represent the worst punishment. Learn from his humility. Do not be arrogant. Do not have too high an opinion of ourselves. Don`t defend only your interests. Be humble.


Kakidawenidamowin – Amik / Wisdom - Beaver

Kidji ojidjikateg anishinabewaki panima kika shawenidjike kakina pepejik kidji mikiwewatcin iniwe ka Tipendjiketc ashitc adi enabadjidjikatekin iniwe shawendjikanan. Ekanawamakaniwitc Amik eabadjiadjin owibidan ekidji kinikosindjin ekawamadjin mitikon ashitc watikwanan kidji ojidotc okonimini ashitc ewejiketc keiji tajiketc wabadjikateg dash kikinwamakosiwin. Kishpin dash eka abadjiabanin owipidan eani ishi madjikitc pimatisitc pinishi eka kidji abadisitc ka dash oka kashkidotc kidji pimatisitc. Midash kewinan newat ka awiakoiwatc enenimidisoatc. Odjidjakociwan kidji pedjikiwag eshagosiwatc kishpin eka mikimitisoatc. Midash iiwe shawenidjigan ka minikoag Kije Mando, eani mishag anishinabewaki pekadisiwin ashitc paiekisiwin kishpin wewenda mikidamag.

Inspire ourselves from the beaver to find wisdom. He possesses extraordinary teeth. Do you know what will happen to him if he does not use his gift? Its teeth will grow continuously and will no longer serve him for nothing. The beaver uses his gift with wisdom to grow and we must do the same. Don’t waste your life wishing we were somebody else. Live your life as we are. If we receive the gift of singing, Sing! If we receive the gift of dancing, Dance! You acquire the knowledge, you live the wisdom. Live and learn.


Kawin jakwenimosi - Makwa / Courage - Bear

Makwa mane kegon ki kigi nwamakonan ati win eiji pimatisidj ega ejakwenimodj mi iiwe mawadji ka kitabadanik emikiwedj Kidji nokenidakwan nopimige aawe nojemakwa ekidji kinadamatc omakosoman ewi mikanakaniwindjin mi iiwe mawadji kaikidonaniwag ega ejakwenimodj kidji aiaman mashkawisiwin kimidonendjikanigag ashitc enenidaman kidji jaboshkaman kotadjiwin ewinakapinikoag maia kidji jaboshkaman kidji pimatisiag wewenda eawiagoiag ekidji mishag sanakisiwin emosadamag mi maia tapickodj aawe nojèmakwa enakadjiadjin omakosoman. kidji minoteean ashitc kidjitchagojikag sanakan anish win makwa kiwabataikonan ati kedotamag nakickamag nanisanisiwin kidji kackidoag kawi ijitaiag.

The bear gives us various lessons by his way of living, but the bravery is the primary teaching that it transmits. Its bravery occurs when the mother bear becomes a fierce animal in order to defend and protect her offspring. The bravery is also in every fight won or lost which prepare us for the next one. The carelessness and idleness weaken us and makes us unfit to fight. It requires for some to undergo some defeats before acquiring the strength and the bravery that will lead them to victory.


Sakiwewin - Mikizi / Love - Eagle

Kidji nisidomadjidoan maia sakiwewin kidji kikenimatc ka Kishènidag koni Katepenidjiketc. Midji kidabatan nidam kidji asatc ekidji sakiatc Kakijènidag. Midash eiji tepwedjikateg etatawin kakina apinodjishan ashitc emadinamaketc pimadisiwini. Sakiiwewin ka minikoag Kakijènidag ewabadjikatè iiwe sakiiwewin kinawidikag midash eka sakiidisoan kawin kikaki sakiasiwag kotag awiakog. Kakijènidan dash eki onabaman Mikizin kidji wabataiwetc otinakonikewin osam mikizi mi aawe mawadji kidji ishpimik ka ishisetc kakina pikwatinan oka shapotaweshkanan epitc wasag icpimig ijisetc kaiji kidji paiekanig enanadawabatag. Midash kewin aawe kamikitag kikewini koni mackikiwini nawatc ekidji emididotc ashitc ekidji mackawisitc sakiwewin kawin kikaki wabadasin ekikinwamakoan osa odabadjidonawa ikiwe enisidawinamowatckidabatag mado matisiwini (spiritualité ijinikate).

For love, inspire ourselves from the eagle. From the skies, from his eyes, he pierces the truth. The eagle is honest and brave. He embodies all our teachings. Of all creatures, it is the eagle that is closest to us. See in him the incarnation of love. Never fail to honor him. Search the love in us. First, love yourself in order to better love others. We must understand and incorporate into our life the other six teachings before you can love. Love deserves our efforts. Love is worth waiting. Love is the secret of life.


In French

Learning activities

See the following links, according to the subject, language and level of your choice.

In English

  • The Spirit of the Eagle (preschool level) : We must show respect for our brother the eagle for he is a highly valued spiritual being.
  • Professionalism and Native Values (post-secondary level) : The Seven Sacred Teachings are principles to live a good life by. They are not to be lived in isolation of each other, but are to be looked at as one unit in the Circle of Life.
  • Respect (niveau secondaire) : To learn one of the Seven Grandfather gifts is called "Respect", and is within the traditional value system.

In French

  • Le Respect (niveau secondaire) : Connaître l'un des aspects reliés aux Sept Grand-Pères, soit le « respect », ce dernier faisant partie des valeurs humaines traditionnelles.