J.F. Hartz Co.
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- 1897 – J. Frederick Hartz founds the J.F. Hartz Company in Detroit, MI, possibly through the acquisition of the H.J. Milburn Co. The company supplies “various medical supplies and equipment”. (“Ferndale Healthcare Inc.”)
- 1901 – The company is active in Toronto at 2 Richmond Street E., Toronto (“The J.F. Hartz Co. Surgical Instruments”)
- 1902 – Hartz Building constructed in Detroit at 1529 Broadway to house the company. (City of Detroit Historic Designation Advisory Board)
- 1919 - The company is active in Toronto at 24-26 Hayter Street. (Illustrated Catalogue of Standard Surgical Instruments and Allied Lines – Fourth Edition)
- 1924 – The company is active in Toronto at 24-26 Hayter Street. (“Exhibition in Convocation Hall”)
- 1931 – The company is active in Toronto at 32-34 Grenville Street and in Montreal at 1434 McGill College Ave. (“Catalogue of Sundries for the Physician, Nurse and Hospital”)
- 1940 – The company is possibly engaged in supplying the Canadian government during World War II. ()
- 1974 – The J.F. Hartz Co. Ltd. is acquired by Extendicare Ltd, a nursing home operator based in Calgary, Alberta, forming division Hartz Standard Ltd., located at 34 Metropolitan Road, Scarborough, ON. (“Extendicare Ltd. Sets Agreements to Acquire 2 Medical-Supply Firms”)
- 1979 – Extendicare divests itself of its Hartz Standard division. (“Annual Report, 1979”)
- 1980 - Hartz Standard (1979) Ltd., with outlets in major cities across Canada, advertises itself for sale. The assets, including customer lists, medical equipment inventories and office furniture, are sold off. (“Receiver’s Sale”)
City of Detroit Historic Designation Advisory Board “Hartz Building” (March 20, 2023) (https://historicdetroit.org/buildings/hartz-building) [15-07/23]
Delarue, Norman, C. Thoracic Surgery in Canada: A Story of People, Places, and Events – The Evolution of a Surgical Speciality (B.C. Decker Inc, 1989)
“Exhibition in Convocation Hall, BAAS, Aug. 1924”, Black and white photograph, University of Toronto Archives, A1965-0004 Box 034 10.54
“Extendicare Ltd. Sets Agreements to Acquire 2 Medical-Supply Firms” Wall Street Journal (March 19, 1974) McGill Library Digital Collections (https://digital.library.mcgill.ca/images/hrcorpreports/pdfs/6/633710.pdf [09/11/23])
Extendicare Ltd. “Annual Report 1979” (Toronto, 1979) McGill University Library and Archives Digital Collection: Canadian Corporate Reports (https://digital.library.mcgill.ca/images/hrcorpreports/pdfs/6/633710.pdf): 14
“Ferndale Healthcare Inc.” LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/ferndale-healthcare-inc./) [15/07/15]
J.F. Hartz Co., Ltd. Illustrated Catalogue of Standard Surgical Instruments and Allied Lines – Fourth Edition, Ingenium Trade Catalogue Collection MED H3383 3001 1919 (RARE))
J.F. Hartz Co. Ltd. “The J.F. Hartz Co. surgical instruments” Toronto Public Library Digital Archive, CA-1900-HARTZ-VS (https://digitalarchive.tpl.ca/objects/274306/the-jf-hartz-co-surgical-instruments)
J.F. Hartz Co. Ltd. Toronto “Catalogue of Sundries for the Physician, Nurse and Hospital” (1931) Ingenium, Trade Catalogue Collection MED H3383 3009 1931
Hartz Standard Co. Ltd. “Hartz Standard Medical & Surgical & Laboratory – Equipment/Supplies” (1975) Ingenium, Trade Catalogue Collection MED H3383 3008 1975
Livermore & Knight. “The J.F. Hartz Co.” (Advertising Card for the J.F. Hartz Co.) Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library Digital Collections Resource ID: bh014325 E&M 977.4D4 381 H (https://digitalcollections.detroitpubliclibrary.org/islandora/object/islandora%3A227116) [15/07/24]
Lee, Myunghyun, Rao, Vivek “Historical perspectives of The American Association for Thoracic Surgery: Robert M. Janes, MD (1894-1966)” The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Vol. 152, No. 2 (Aug. 2016): 299-301
“Receiver’s Sale – Hartz Standard (1979) Ltd.” The Globe and Mail (June 6, 1980): B14
Walter, John. German Tool and Blade Makers: A guide to manufacturers and distributors, their trademarks and brand names, 1850-2000 (Nevill Publishing, 2019 https://www.archivingindustry.com/cutlers&toolmakers/cutlermarks-1.pdf [09/11/23])
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