Browse Items
- A.F. Hall
- A.F. Potter
- Acme
- Adalia
- Adams Engineering
- Addison
- Aeroquip
- Aerovox
- AES Data
- Ahearn Soper
- Aircraft Marine
- Airflow
- Alberta Optical
- Allied Circuit
- Amalgamated Elecric
- AMF Atomic
- Amplifone
- Andrew Antenna
- Anglophoto
- Arrow Hart
- Ashcroft
- Associated Electrical
- Associated Electronic
- Atmospheric Environment Service
- Avco
- Aviation Electric
- Avionics
- B.H. McGregor
- Bach Simpson
- Bacharach
- Bailey Meter
- Baker Instruments
- Bancroft
- Barringer
- Bausch Lomb
- Bayly
- Beaconing
- Beattie
- Benjamin Hughes
- Berliner Canada
- Boreal
- Brand Millen
- Brian Engineering
- Bristol Aerospace
- Bristol Instruments
- Brookfield
- Budd
- Burtec
- Bushnell Optical
- Bytek
- C.L.M. Industries
- C.M. Lovsted
- Calian
- Calver
- Campbell Scientific Canada
- Canada Clock
- Canada Clock Hamilton
- Canada Clock Whitby
- Canadian Arsenals
- Canadian Astronautics
- Canadian Electrical Supply
- Canadian General Electric
- Canadian Hoskins
- Canadian Knowles
- Canadian Kodak
- Canadian Laboratory
- Canadian Marconi
- Canadian Motorola
- Canadian National Carbon
- Canadian Research Institute
- Canadian Scale
- Canadian Westinghouse
- Carsen
- Carson
- Carveth
- Celestica
- CENCO Canada
- Chamberlain Hookham
- Chapman
- Charles Branston
- Charles Bruning
- Charles Cluthe
- Charles Hearn
- Charles Potter
- Communications Power
- Computer Instruments
- Computing Devices
- Consolidated Computer
- Consolidated Electronics
- Consolidated Engines
- Consolidated Laboratories
- Consolidated Optical
- Cossor Canada
- Cox Sales
- Crocker-Wheeler
- Crompton Parkinson
- Crone Geophysics
- Crosley
- Curtis-Wright
- Cybernex
- D.G. Instruments
- D.H. Nelles
- Dalhousie University
- David Dunlap Observatory
- Davis Engineering
- Daystrom
- De Forest
- de Havilland Canada
- Dietzgen
- Digital Equipment
- DoAll
- DoAll Eastern
- Dominion Battery
- Dominion Electrohome
- Dominion Instruments
- Dominion Insulator
- Dominion M.I.
- Dominion Observatory
- Dominion Telephone
- Donegani
- Dorwin
- Dupuis
- Dy-4 Systems
- Dynacon
- Dynalogic
- Dynalogic Info Tech
- E.B. Myers
- E.T. Wright
- E.W. Playford
- Edey
- Edison Canada
- Edward P. Baird
- ElCan
- Elder Electronics
- Electrodesign
- Electronic Associates
- Electronic Instruments Laboratory
- Electronic Materials International
- Ellen Eliza Fitz
- Enercorp
- Engineering Equipment
- English Electric
- Enoco
- Erie Resistor
- Exide Battery
- Federal Electric
- Federal Engineering
- Ferguson Pailin
- Ferranti Canada
- Filtran
- Finkler
- Fleet Time
- Fortin
- Foundation
- Foxboro
- Furnace Engineering
- Gandalf
- Garrett
- Garrett Manufacturing
- Gastops
- GEM Systems
- GEN Manufacturing
- Gen-Tec
- Genaire
- General Electric
- General Nuclear
- Gensales
- Geo. M. Hendry
- Geological Survey
- Geolograph
- George Kelk
- George Kingston
- George M. Fraser
- George Westphal
- Girling
- Girotti
- Glendon
- Great West Electric
- Greff Computer
- Gross
- Guildline
- Gurney Scale
- H.S. Crabtree
- Haliburton White
- Hallicrafters Canada
- Hammond Company
- Hammond Manufacturing
- Harrison Co
- Hearn Harrison
- Hearn Potter
- Helion
- Henry Sanders
- Hepworth
- Hermes
- Héroux
- Hilger Watts
- His Masters Voice
- Honeywell Canada
- Honeywell Controls
- Hoskin Scientific
- Hughes Owens
- Humble
- Hutchinson
- HW Petrie
- Hymarc
- IBM Canada
- IDI Electric
- Imperial Optical
- Industrial Combustions
- Industrial Instrument
- Industrial Projects
- Industrial Scientific Instruments
- Industries dAcier Inoxydable
- Ingraham Canadian Clock
- Ingram Bell
- Instronics
- Instruments
- International Instrument
- Interoptics
- Interprovincial Corrosion Control
- Intricate Devices
- ITM Instruments
- ITT Canada
- J. Frank Raw
- J.F. Hartz
- J.W. Ellis
- Jacob Calnek
- James Foster
- James Kearney
- James Morrison
- James Orkney
- James Shaw
- Jarrell-Ash
- Jefferson Electric
- Jena Scientific
- JG Joseph
- John Herring
- John McWatters
- John Woods
- Johns Glass
- Johns Manville
- Joseph Post
- JOW Lence
- Joy Canada
- JS Surgical
- Jules R. Gilbert
- Kallenbach
- Kay Electric
- Kelvin Hughes
- Kemsies
- Kent Canada
- Keuffel Esser
- Kipp Zonen
- Kodak Canada
- Lakewood Systems
- Landis Gyr
- Lava Computer
- Leander Sales
- Leeds Northrup
- Leigh Instruments
- Lewis Instruments
- LightMachinery
- Lincoln Meter
- Linde Gases
- Liquidometer Canada
- Lisle Instrument
- Lufkin Rule
- Lumonics
- Manning Maxwell Moore
- Marsland
- Martin Lawrie
- Mason Neiland
- Matrox
- McCurdy Radio
- McGill University
- McKay School
- McMaster University
- McPhar
- Measurement Control Engineering
- Measurement Engineering
- Mechron
- Medicale Scientifique
- Megatel
- Mel Sales
- Meteorological Instrument
- Meteorological Service
- Metocean
- Mevex
- Micro Metallurgical
- Microsat
- Microsystems
- Microtel
- Millard Electric
- Milltronics
- Mitel
- Mitel Networks
- Moloney Electric
- Moore Brothers
- Morgan Precision
- Muirhead
- Muirhead Instruments
- Nabu
- Nanometrics
- National Electronics
- Negretti Zambra Canada
- Neptune
- Ness
- New Haven Clock
- Nichols
- Nordion
- Norman Wade
- Norpak
- Northern Electric
- Northern Radio
- Nuclear Chicago
- Nuclear Enterprises
- Omicron
- Ontario Hughes Owens
- Optimec
- Packard Electric
- Paquin
- Parker Imports
- Paul Gamble
- Peacock
- Peerless
- Peerless Electric
- Pequegnat
- Peter Etter
- Philco
- Philips Canada
- Phonola
- Picker
- Pitanco Instruments
- Pleuger Canada
- Pocklington
- Polytronics
- Power Mine Supply
- Powerlite
- Prenco
- Price Gauge Tool
- Process Instrument
- Process Steam
- Projean Meters
- Pylon Electronic
- R. Hutchinson
- R.E.C. Ramsey
- Radiant
- Radio Valve
- Rapid Blue Print
- Reliance Electric
- Republic Flow Meters
- Research Enterprises
- Richard Masters
- Robert Mitchell
- Rogers
- Rotem Industrial
- Rough Sales
- Rowe
- Ruhl Machiner
- Ryden
- Ryrie
- Samuel Black
- Sangamo Canada
- Sarco Canada
- Schulze
- Sci-Tec
- Scintrex
- Semco Instruments
- Seth Thomas
- Sewell
- Sharpe Instruments
- Simtec
- Small Electric Motors
- Smith Brothers Jewellery
- Sodin Gravity
- Sola Electric
- Solus X-Ray
- Sopwith Engineering
- Southwestern Electronics
- Spar Aerospace
- Sparling
- Sparton Canada
- Sperry
- Sperry Ottawa
- St. Amant
- Stanley
- Stark
- Starr
- Stevenson
- Stickney
- Strand Electric
- Swinburn
- Swiss
- T. H. Controls
- T.W. Anderson
- Tachograph
- Tagliabue
- Taylor Instrument
- Technical Service
- Telesat
- Tellurometer
- Temple Radio
- Testing Machines International
- Texas
- Thermo Electric
- Thermovolt
- Thomas Shaw
- Timson
- Tinsley
- Topley
- Topping
- Tork Controls
- Toronto
- Toronto Electric Light
- Toronto Electric Works
- Toronto Medical
- Tri-Tel
- Trudell
- Trudell Medical
- Tully
- Twiss
- Ultinet
- Ultra Electronics
- Union Carbide
- Universal Wire & Cable
- University of Guelph
- University of Saskatchewan
- University of Toronto
- Utah-Carter
- Vancouver Scale
- Vantassel
- Varian
- Vector Labs
- Veeder-Root
- Vickers
- W. Hobson
- W.F. Owen
- Wagner
- Wallace Tiernan
- Warren
- Wave Precision
- WE Trading
- Wescott
- Westcott
- Western Clock
- Western Drafting
- Western Research
- Western University
- White
- Whitehouse
- Wickman
- Wild
- William Bell
- William Black
- William Hearn
- William Kennedy
- Wilson Scale
- Wilson Scientific
- Winter Joyner
- Wright Radio
- York University
- Zeiss