Digital History - Histoire Numérique

Explore the Exclusion Zone

The Soviet legacy is eerily shrouded by decay, and nature is reclaiming its rightful place. Everything left in haste remains untouched -- a grim reminder of the nuclear fallout that littered a once thriving land...

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Welcome to an interactive Neatline tour of the exclusion zone. Here you will find points of interest as well as some history about them.

Disclaimer: The Soviet government was not very transparent and as a result, archive material is not abundant or easily accessible. Therefore, not all records will have the same amount of detail.

However for this tour, I intended for the map, pictures, and videos to speak for themselves -- whether from the past or from today, a picture is worth a thousand words. History is relative to the individual, thus the zone is yours to explore and interpret.


Additional Resources

One of the galleries that inspired me early on:

A map of the exclusion zone which shows all the former villages within. This was created by one of the renown companies that host tours in the zone:

Explore the Exclusion Zone