
Archives/Databases used/explored:

Glenbow Museum Archives

Library and Archives Canada

Lethbridge University Southern Alberta Newspaper Collection

Archives Society of Alberta

UBCIC Library and Archives



"About the Movement," Idle Nore More organization 

Allen, Edward. "Reflections on the 40th Anniversary of the Calder Decision," Northern Public Affairs, (September 2013): 14-21  

Barrera, Jorge. "Assembly of First Nations is out of touch and needs an overhaul, says ex-national chief.” CBC News, July 23, 2018.        1.4754081

Bear, Leon Crane. “The Contemporary relevance of the Historical Treaties to Treaty Indian peoples.” Active History, December 2015.     treaty-indian-peoples/

Cairns, Alan C. Citizens Plus: Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State. UBC Press, 2000.

Cardinal, Harold. The Unjust Society Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2000.

Charlie, Rose. "The White Paper 1969," in an Online Research project. University of British Columbia First Nations and Indigenous Studies (2009)                                       

Drees, Laurie Meijer. The Indian Association of Alberta: A History of Political Action. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2002.

Getty, Ian A.L. “Harold Cardinal.” The Canadian Encyclopedia. May 15, 2011.         

Hall, Anthony, Marshall, Tabitha, and Posluns, Michael "The Assembly of First Nations," Canadian Encyclopedia, February 7, 2006.  

Hanson, Erin. "The Constitution Express.” University of British Columbia First Nations and Indigenous Studies Online research project (2009). 

 “Harold Cardinal: National Aboriginal History Month.” APTN News. June 17, 2017.

 "History of Assembly of First Nations," Indigenous Corporate Training Inc, November 25, 2014.                                                                                                                

Howell, Kait, Ostroff, Joshua and Yeung, Lisa. “What Is The Constitution Express? Indigenous Protest Movement Changed Canada's History.” Huffington Post. July 21, 2017.          canada_a_23039579/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLm            NvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAF4EoeZ17E939YqYeJY5YwbhAIleLqt_3Mm3m74            HtGPbsxTT53Zwxi3r4SnczsE6_ACON6iPM9utFZecczkR1rFHwHXenJp9ArOLspRUM            FQ6_7vpZyYSgjuibTSlFUZNVURiShGLIzDejevvGedSDr_KNDdKdgc_lQAaPZfcQm  Xr

Kerr, Elisabetta. "Pierre Trudeau’s White Paper and the Struggle for Aboriginal Rights in    Canada: An Analysis of the Extent to which the White Paper was a Turning Point in the    Struggle for Aboriginal Rights and Land Claims in Canada." The Great Lakes Journal of  Undergraduate History 5 no. 1 (2017): 50-61.

Kulchyski, Peter. "The violence of the letter: land claims and continuing colonial conquest in Canada." Canadian Dimension, vol. 41, no. 1 (Jan.-Feb. 2007): 20-24.      
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Manuel, Arthur and Derrickson, Ronald M. Unsettling Canada. Toronto: Between the Lines, 2015.

Ramos, Howard. “What Causes Canadian Aboriginal Protest? Examining Resources,        Opportunities and Identity, 1951-2000.” The Canadian Journal of Sociology 31 no.2 (2006): 211-234.

Raynauld, Vincent, Richez, Emmanuelle, and Bourdeau Morris, Katie.  "Canada is           #IdleNoMore: exploring dynamics of Indigenous political and civic protest in the         Twitterverse," Information, Communication & Society 21 no. 4 (March 20, 2017): 626-    642.

"The Constitution Express and its Role in Entrenching Aboriginal Rights," Indigenous Training Corporation Inc, October 17, 2016.    aboriginal-rights

“The Red Paper: A Counter-Punch to the White Paper.” Indigenous Corporate Training. July 11, 2020.

Wilkes, Rima. “The Protest Actions of Indigenous Peoples: A Canadian-US Comparison of  Social Movement Emergence.” The American Behavioural Scientist 50 no. 4 (December     2006): 510-525.

"9 questions about Idle No More", CBC News, January 5, 2013.

Primary Sources not in Collection but sourced and included in the exhibit:

Calder v. Attorney-General of British Columbia (1973) 

"Idle No More." CBC News: The National. December 19, 2012.

"Indigenous leaders meet to amend the Canadian Constitution." The National CBC Archives. Broadcast Date March 16, 1983. 

Section 35, Canadian Constitution, 1982. 
