Digital History - Histoire Numérique

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A residential street with gravel sidewalks, fenced front yards, and large two and one half story houses, some with porches and verandas. Newly planted trees line the boulevards.

North facing view of Main Street from with buildings, streetcars, people, and carriages.

A scene on March 26 during the Streetcar Strike of 1906. A crowd swarms in front of the Royal Alexandra Hotel at Main Street and Higgins Avenue. More men are aligned on top of the underpass. The Reeves & Co Building, with the Internation Harvester…

A three-storey building on the southeast corner of Main Street and York Avenue that served as the Hudson's Bay Company's first retail location in Winnipeg, as well as storage and office space, from 1881 until a larger store opened on Partage Avenue…

Main_Street_Winnipeg_Man (1).jpg
A very crowded Main Street, possibly on Labour Day, looking north from Portage Avenue. Pedestrians fill the sidewalks and and part of the street while a row of streetcars and a few automobiles and horse drawn carts stay near centre. Several…
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