Welcome to our blog!

If you are interested in learning more about what we do at the Museum of Classical Antiquities, read on!

Here you will find short articles covering various topics related to our work at the museum. This includes events and programs, research on artefacts, and other projects!

Start your navigation by clicking on one of the options below:

Artefact Features cover page 

Artefact Features

These short form posts highlight specific artefacts or their aspects! We're always doing new research on the items in our collection, and it's fascinating to look closely at little details, or to connect an artefact to a wider historical context! For longer-form blog posts, see our Extended Artefact Features.

MythMonday cover page 


Due to the significance of religion in the ancient world, material culture often depicts mythological scenes and figures. This series highlights the symbols found on objects in our collection and shares these stories which have been passed down by generations.

What we've been up to cover page 

What We've Been Up To

The museum is always up to something! Check out this blog to hear about our public events and activities, as well as our work behind the scenes!

To hear more about our collection, the work we do, and any upcoming events, Follow us on social media!

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