Museum of Classical Antiquities Artefacts


Museum of Classical Antiquities Artefacts


Established in 1975 as a teaching collection, the Museum of Classical Antiquities of the Department of Classics and Religious Studies aims to inspire interest in classical studies in students of all ages. Comprised of artefacts that reflect daily life during the period from the 7th century B.C.E. to the 7th century C.E., the permanent collection is enhanced by artefacts belonging to Canadian and foreign collectors.

Please note that not all artefacts are currently available. New ones continue to be added.

Collection Items

Iron and bronze dagger
Small dagger with bronze handle, iron blade, and a decorated guard.

Bronze spearhead
Bronze spearhead with a leaf-shaped blade and a prominent cross-section midrib. The tang is long and curved at the end. Faint decorative engravings around the socket.

Iron spearhead
Spearhead shaft has a hollow end for securing the weapon to a handle. Metal composition only apparent by a small amount of iron oxidation.

Stylus Applicator
Cylindrical shape with tapered and painted ends; green colouring. Possibly used to apply eyeliner or as an eyebrow pencil.

Painted Pyxis
Small storage box for cosmetics, trinkets or jewelry. Black-glaze decoration on red ground; decorative friezes and solid horizontal bands encircle the exterior wall of lid; in the upper zone, an ogive pattern, beneath which is a narrow horizontal…

Bronze Bracelet
Circular, closed bracelet; etched pattern around exterior of band; with four indentations (1.5 cm long) equally spaced around band.

Oil Lamp
Round body; clay with ocre-reddish colour. Eros with torch in right hand and indeterminate object in left hand. Slightly projecting heart shaped nozzle with rounded termination. Underside of the nozzle is decorated with a single band of tongues…

Oil Lamp
Colour: Dark orange clay. Moldmade. Elongated round-tipped volute-nozzle; plain unadorned shoulder. One wick hole; one filling hole located at the lower right corner of the discus, near the ridge; two incised rings around discus.

Oil Lamp
Colour: reddish brown. Clay. Round body with long nozzle; discus surrounded by a rim; concentric rings around filling-hole. One decorative knob on each side.
Discus iconography: pattern of petals that emanate from the filling whole and terminate…

Oil Lamp
Colour: Red with black (slipped or/and burnt). Round-tipped nozzle; one wick hole; curved unpierced handle. A worn leaf pattern decorates the shoulder.
Discus iconography: Artemis standing with bow in her left hand; her head is depicted in profile,…

Oil Lamp
Colour: orange-brown. Miniature lamp; two round-tipped nozzles; one central filling-hole; incised ring surrounding the filling-hole.
Discuss iconography: a series of petal-like shapes radiates from the incised ring surrounding the filling-hole.…

Frog Lamp
Terracotta frog lamp; unpierced pointed lug handle; large central filling-hole; one nozzle. Evidence of usage; was possibly glazed. Marks within the lamp indicate that it was likely mold-made, and that the top and bottom components were joined…

Black Glaze Bowl
A black-glaze bowl; interior adorned with a notched pattern which radiates from a central tondo.

Black Glaze Oinochoe
Black glaze oinoche with trefoil lip; body adorned with a series of wide ribbed bands.

Black Glaze Olpe
A black ople with one handle. The body is adorned with a series of ribbed bands; the stem between the foot and body is painted red. The foot is carinated, defining three profile moldings.

Black Glaze Oinochoe
Black-glaze oinichoe with a trefoil lip; body is adorned with incised foliate pattern.

Follis of Justinian I
Obverse legend: D(ominus)N(oster) IVSTINI-ANVS P(er)P(etuus) AVG(ustus), translation: Our Lord Justinian, Perpetual Augustus; helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justinian I facing front, holding globus cruciger in right hand and shield in left, crosses…

Oval in shape.
Obverse: Bust facing right, wearing headdress; two borders present at north, east, west, and south positions.
Reverse: Two figures standing facing forward with a column (?) in between them; three borders, same symbol as on obverse…

Oval in shape.
Obverse: Bust facing left, headdress, bearded.
Reverse: Figure seated right (?), surrounded by square border of characters.

Coin: nummus (AE 3) of Constantine II
Obverse legend: CONSTANTINVS IVN(ior) NOB(ilissimus) C(aesar), translation: Constantinus the Youth, Most Noble Caesar; draped, cuirassed, and laureate bust of Constantine II facing right. Reverse legend: CAESARVM NOSTRORVM, translation: of our…

Coin: nummus (AE 2) of Maximinus II (also known as Maximinus Daza)
Obverse legend: MAXIMINVS NOB(ilissimus) CAES(ar), translation: Most Noble Caesar Maximinus; laureate head of Maximinus II facing right. Reverse legend: SAC(ra) MON(eta) VRB(is) AVGG(=Augustorum) ET CAESS(=Caesarum) NN(=Nostrorum), translation: The…

Bronze stylus
Loosely triangular in section; the sides taper into sharp points at both ends.

Cuneiform inscription of Ur-Nammu (reproduction)
Black painted plaster, rectangular with one rounded side. There is a hole in the back for hanging. Cuneiform script. Translation: "To the goddess Inanna, the mistress of Eanna, his mistress, Ur-Nammu, the mighty man, the king of Ur, king of Sumer and…

The stylus is rectangular in section toward the top, and adorned with a pattern of x's bordered by grooves; the top terminates in a grooved pyramid.

Lamp with Artemis
Terracotta oil lamp; reddish buff fabric with traces of red slip. Discus iconography: Artemis on stag facing right; she wears a short tunic (her right breast is bared) and holds a spear. Behind her is a filling-hole; a smaller filling (?) hole is…
View all 148 items