Browse Items (148 total)

  • Collection: Museum of Classical Antiquities Artefacts

Small dagger with bronze handle, iron blade, and a decorated guard.

Bronze spearhead with a leaf-shaped blade and a prominent cross-section midrib. The tang is long and curved at the end. Faint decorative engravings around the socket.

Spearhead shaft has a hollow end for securing the weapon to a handle. Metal composition only apparent by a small amount of iron oxidation.

Cylindrical shape with tapered and painted ends; green colouring. Possibly used to apply eyeliner or as an eyebrow pencil.

Small storage box for cosmetics, trinkets or jewelry. Black-glaze decoration on red ground; decorative friezes and solid horizontal bands encircle the exterior wall of lid; in the upper zone, an ogive pattern, beneath which is a narrow horizontal…

Circular, closed bracelet; etched pattern around exterior of band; with four indentations (1.5 cm long) equally spaced around band.

Round body; clay with ocre-reddish colour. Eros with torch in right hand and indeterminate object in left hand. Slightly projecting heart shaped nozzle with rounded termination. Underside of the nozzle is decorated with a single band of tongues…

Colour: Dark orange clay. Moldmade. Elongated round-tipped volute-nozzle; plain unadorned shoulder. One wick hole; one filling hole located at the lower right corner of the discus, near the ridge; two incised rings around discus.

Colour: reddish brown. Clay. Round body with long nozzle; discus surrounded by a rim; concentric rings around filling-hole. One decorative knob on each side.
Discus iconography: pattern of petals that emanate from the filling whole and terminate…

Colour: Red with black (slipped or/and burnt). Round-tipped nozzle; one wick hole; curved unpierced handle. A worn leaf pattern decorates the shoulder.
Discus iconography: Artemis standing with bow in her left hand; her head is depicted in profile,…

Colour: orange-brown. Miniature lamp; two round-tipped nozzles; one central filling-hole; incised ring surrounding the filling-hole.
Discuss iconography: a series of petal-like shapes radiates from the incised ring surrounding the filling-hole.…

Terracotta frog lamp; unpierced pointed lug handle; large central filling-hole; one nozzle. Evidence of usage; was possibly glazed. Marks within the lamp indicate that it was likely mold-made, and that the top and bottom components were joined…

A black-glaze bowl; interior adorned with a notched pattern which radiates from a central tondo.

Black glaze oinoche with trefoil lip; body adorned with a series of wide ribbed bands.

A black ople with one handle. The body is adorned with a series of ribbed bands; the stem between the foot and body is painted red. The foot is carinated, defining three profile moldings.

Black-glaze oinichoe with a trefoil lip; body is adorned with incised foliate pattern.

Obverse legend: D(ominus)N(oster) IVSTINI-ANVS P(er)P(etuus) AVG(ustus), translation: Our Lord Justinian, Perpetual Augustus; helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justinian I facing front, holding globus cruciger in right hand and shield in left, crosses…

Oval in shape.
Obverse: Bust facing right, wearing headdress; two borders present at north, east, west, and south positions.
Reverse: Two figures standing facing forward with a column (?) in between them; three borders, same symbol as on obverse…

Oval in shape.
Obverse: Bust facing left, headdress, bearded.
Reverse: Figure seated right (?), surrounded by square border of characters.

Obverse legend: CONSTANTINVS IVN(ior) NOB(ilissimus) C(aesar), translation: Constantinus the Youth, Most Noble Caesar; draped, cuirassed, and laureate bust of Constantine II facing right. Reverse legend: CAESARVM NOSTRORVM, translation: of our…

Obverse legend: MAXIMINVS NOB(ilissimus) CAES(ar), translation: Most Noble Caesar Maximinus; laureate head of Maximinus II facing right. Reverse legend: SAC(ra) MON(eta) VRB(is) AVGG(=Augustorum) ET CAESS(=Caesarum) NN(=Nostrorum), translation: The…

Loosely triangular in section; the sides taper into sharp points at both ends.

Black painted plaster, rectangular with one rounded side. There is a hole in the back for hanging. Cuneiform script. Translation: "To the goddess Inanna, the mistress of Eanna, his mistress, Ur-Nammu, the mighty man, the king of Ur, king of Sumer and…

The stylus is rectangular in section toward the top, and adorned with a pattern of x's bordered by grooves; the top terminates in a grooved pyramid.

Terracotta oil lamp; reddish buff fabric with traces of red slip. Discus iconography: Artemis on stag facing right; she wears a short tunic (her right breast is bared) and holds a spear. Behind her is a filling-hole; a smaller filling (?) hole is…
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