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In Korean mythology, Yuhwa was the daughter of a River God, tricked into marrying the Sun God. She escaped back to her homeland and gave birth to a son who became the founder and monarch of Korea’s northern kingdom. The symbolic willow tree is…

Black composer Adolphus Cunningham Hailstork III's compositional style blends musical ideas from both the African American and European traditions. "Yuhwa (Goddess of the Willow Tree)" was composed for Hyorim Kim. As written about "Yuhwa (Goddess of…

Chinese American composer Wayne Lu wrote "XI" in one movement for horn and piano. As indicated on Theodore Front Musical Literature website, the word "Xi" has many meanings in Chiinese, including air, energy, and personal aura. The score is available…

This attractive wind quintet won its category in the Newly Published Music competition at the 2019 NFA and it's easy to see why. Unusually it tells a story: one of a country parson visiting a local fair where he encounters all manner of events. The…

American Indian citizen of the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of the Mohican Nation, Brent Michael Davids' "Wood That Sings" was composed for solo violin. As written on the composer's website, "Wood That Sings is composed for solo viiolin with scordatura…

Dedication: To my friends Elizabeth Crone and Richard Masters

Commissioned by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, with support from Elizabeth Crone and Dr. Richard Masters with The College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences…

woodwind quintet

Black composer Jeffrey Mumford's "wending" for solo viola was composed in 2001 and received its first performance by Wendy Richman on November 11, 2001.

Leslie Savoy Burrs has captivated audiences across the United States and Europe with his exciting, distinctive sound -- an inspired combination of classical virtuosity and dazzling improvisation. He has appeared as guest soloist and composer with the…

Black composer T.J. Anderson composed "Vocalise" for violin and harp. Commissioned for Richar dHunt for Jacques and Gail Israelivitch. The first performance took place at Webster College in St. Louis, MO on November 23, 1980 by Jacques Israelivitch…
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