R. Murray Schafer 360°

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A table created by R. Murray Schafer in the manuscript of his book Tuning of the World. It outlines the various types of noise by-laws found around the world in urban centers.

A map of decibel measurements across similar conditions in Stanley Park, in downtown Vancouver. Featured on page 264 of the appendix of R. Murray Schafer's Tuning of the World.

A table of aesthetic preferences for different sounds across various locations found in the appendix of R. Murray Schafer's book Tuning of the World

Collection de quatre disques dans laquelle on retrouve l'enregistrement de la version écourtée de Requiems for the Party Girl de R. Murray Schafer, partition révisée en 1972, telle qu'interprétée par l'Ensemble de la société de musique contemporaine…

Article de journal publié pour Le Monde en 1975 où Jacques Lonchampt dédie une section de son texte à sa découverte du compositeur R. Murray Schafer et de certaines de ses oeuvres lors de La Semaine mondiale.

Page couverture, avec dessin de R. Murray Schafer, de la partition manuscript de Requiems for the Party Girl publiée en 1972 par la maison d'édition Berandol Music Limited.

The cover is composed of details of the music score for Patria: The Prologue, The Princess of the Stars and the detail of a photograph of the Banff Festival production of the opera in 1985, showing a flipped view of the Sun Disc (not shown) flanked…

""A soundscape is any collection of sounds, almost like a painting is a collection of visual attractions," says composer R. Murray Schafer. "When you listen carefully to the soundscape it becomes quite miraculous." David New's portrait of the…
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