R. Murray Schafer 360°

Browse Items (7 total)

A diagram comparing and visualizing the tone of a bell versus a horn, found on page 260 of The Tuning of the World. The illustration represents a visualized cross section of the resulting sounds, which provides context illuminating Schafer's approach…

A sound event diagram from page 201 of The Tuning of the World which compares a ringing telephone to a motorcycle engine, providing an example of how Schafer's notation symbols can be put into practice.

An illustration found on page 198 of The Tuning of the World titled Description of a Sound Event. Consists of a table of symbols explaining how to describe a sound event using qualifiers such as duration, frequency, duration, and fluctuation. The…

Page 13 from the score for the Third String Quartet which features both conventional and graphic notation techniques.

A visual depiction of the translation of natural sounds into musical soundscapes wherein natural paraphernalia seamlessly flows into a musical score. This drawing is found on page 123 of My Life on Earth & Elsewhere and marks the beginning of…

To preface his score to Snowforms, R. Murray Schafer briefly describes his inspiration for the piece. He goes on to explain how his graphic notation, design for children, is meant to be conducted and interpreted.

Diagrams on page 229 of R. Murray Schafer's unpublished manuscript "The Tuning of the World". The diagrams are Schafer's visual interpretations of sound duration, frequency, internal fluctuations, and dynamics. These interpretations are presented in…
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