Sacred Song in Hamilton

A focus on Canadian composers and composers who resided in the Hamilton area and their works in relation to Sacred Song in Hamilton, Ontario. 

The religious organizations of Canada have the following in common: they are negligent in their documentation of their musical past. As easy as it is to recover parish directories and old sermons, it is challenging to find the history of the music of a church community. Hamilton, Ontario is no exception to this, and the collection of church music that was present in the early twentieth century highlights the work of the musicians in this area. Four composers, Matthew Lewis Charles Harris, J.E.P Aldous, Henry William Hewlett, and George Sidwell, were prominent figures in Hamilton’s liturgical music. 

This exhibit will provide insight behind the composers' gravitation to the Hamilton area, as well as biographical information and analysis of works. 


Kathryn Anderson, School of Music, University of Ottawa