Europeans' First Encounters with Indigenous Peoples

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Europeans' First Encounters with Indigenous Peoples


17th to 19th centuries


Anderson, Brittany; Moïse, Stéphanie; Rivard, Joël


Text; Still Image

Collection Items

Plain Crees driving buffaloes into a pound
This illustration is on page 358, vol. 1 of Narrative of the canadian red river exploring expedition of 1857: And of the assinniboine and saskatchewan exploring expedition of 1858. The illustration portrays how the Cree Indians trap and capture the…

Sketches in Canada, and rambles among the red men (title page)
Transcription of text on title page: Sketches in Canada, and rambles among the red men. / By Mrs. Jameson. / New edition. / London: / Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans. / 1852." The title page represents a reprint book of the most interesting…

Roughing it in the bush; or, life in Canada (title page)
Transcription of text on title page: "Roughing it in the bush; / or, / life in Canada. / By Susan Moodie. / I sketch from nature, and the picture's true; / whate'er the subject, whether grave or gay, / painful experience in distant land / made it my…

Voyage de Pehr Kalm au Canada en 1749 (book cover)
The Front Cover of a reprinted book. The Book is the accounts of Pehr Kalm, a Swedish explorer and scientist while visiting Canada. He discusses the peoples he encounters while there, including Indigenous peoples and French Canadians. The book was…

Letter 4 from Voyages du Baron de la Hontan dans L’Amerique Septentrionale
TheVoyages du Baron de la Hontan dans L’Amerique Septentrionale(reprint) begins the 4th letter written by Baron de la Hontan. The letter describes the people he encounters in the Saint Laurent Valley, including French Canadians, fur traders and…

Map from Relations des voyages de Pierre Esprit Radisson, dans les années 1682, 3 et 4 / Relations of the voyages of Pierre Esprit Radisson in 1682, 3 and 4
A map detailing various Indigenous First Nations peoples and their traditional territories on the inside of the spine of the book, between pages 52 and 53. The book is a reprint compiling letters and accounts of Radisson and a number of other…

Principal Indigenous nations of North America (Plate II)
The illustration is described in Lafitau’s work as follows: “Fig. 1 Hurons & Iroquois, homme & femme. 2. Algonquin & Algonquine. 3. Eskimaux, homme & femme. 4. Peuples du Groenland & de la Nouvelle-Zemble”.…

Mœurs des sauvages ameriquains comparées aux moeurs des premiers temps. Tome premier (title page of Part 1)
Transcription of text on title page: “Mœurs / des / sauvages / ameriquains, / compare’es aux mœurs / des premiers temps. / Par le P. Lafitau, de la compagni de Jesus. / Ouvrage enrichi de figures en taille-douce. / Tome premier. / Impr. à Rollan, &…

Mœurs des sauvages ameriquains comparées aux moeurs des premiers temps. Tome troisième (title page of Part 3)
Transcription of text on title page: “Mœurs / des / sauvages / ameriquains, / compare’es aux mœurs / des premiers temps. / Par le P. Lafitau, de la compagni de Jesus. / Ouvrage enrichi de figures en taille-douce. / Tome troisieme. / A Paris, / chez…

Carte du Canada
Transcription of text on map (bottom right corner): "Carte du Canada / Dediée a / Son Altesse Serenissime / Monseigneur / E. J. G. de Biron / Duc de Courlande / de Semigalle &c. / Par / son très humble & très / obeissant…
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