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Museum of Classical Antiquities, University of Ottawa

The Egyptian God Bes


This vessel, used to store oil or perfume, features the Egyptian God Bes. Because Bes was often depicted on containers or cups, it has been argued that the liquid contained in these items were thought to be bestowed with the healing properties of the deity, and were therefore used for medicinal or ceremonial practices.

Bes was known as a protective deity, watching over children, couples, and pregnant women by driving away evil spirits. Bes is unusual in that his depiction is purposefully imperfect. While most Egyptian deities are idealised, Bes is deformed with his short stature, disproportionate arms, and oversized head and eyes. In Egyptian mythology, this was the result of the multiple interactions with evil spirits he encountered and warded off.

Interested in Egyptian material culture? Come to the museum to check out our Egyptian collection!

Authors: Thomas Wort and Georgian Parkes