Browse Items (148 total)

  • Collection: Museum of Classical Antiquities Artefacts

Reddish colour with light slip. Shape: two loop handles on either side attached at shoulder; wide, globular body with convex neck that tapers at the rim; footed base. Composition: on one side is pictured a single hare, on each side of which is…

Apulian kantharos with volute handles and stemmed foot; on each side is displayed a female head in profile with necklace and hair, worn in a bun and covered by a kekryphalos (hairnet); decorated in the red figure style and technique: details are…

Bronze arrowhead with two barbs/spurs on the end facing away from the arrow tip, which has been broken off. Round base with a socket.

Bronze arrowhead with a triangular blade and long shaft.

A bilobate bronze arrowhead. Leaf shaped tip.

The Greek heroes Ajax and Achilles are shown engaged in a board game with dice; the goddess Athena stands in the center behind the figures, presiding. The border above the composition is adorned with a pattern of dots, and the shoulder with a pattern…

Small, dark-coloured vessel formed in the shape of the god Bes. Bes makes up the main body of the vessel, which extends above his head into a short neck with rimmed lip. The figure has a round stomach, and is squatting with his hands resting on his…

A black-glaze bowl; interior adorned with a notched pattern which radiates from a central tondo.

Black glaze oinoche with trefoil lip; body adorned with a series of wide ribbed bands.

Black-glaze oinichoe with a trefoil lip; body is adorned with incised foliate pattern.

A black ople with one handle. The body is adorned with a series of ribbed bands; the stem between the foot and body is painted red. The foot is carinated, defining three profile moldings.

Attic Type B skyphos with thin walls and ring foot; two handles one horizontal, one vertical both attached below rim. Light, thin black slip typical of this class. Resting surface of foot and base are reserved except for a ring painted around the…

The stylus is rectangular in section toward the top, and adorned with a pattern of x's bordered by grooves; the top terminates in a grooved pyramid.

Fragment of a small bowl with relief designs depicting birds (likely ducks) and papyrus reeds. The bowl has a small flat base and a rim with a raised lip, although most of it has broken away. There is two pierced holes just below the rim. The inside…

Circular, closed bracelet; etched pattern around exterior of band; with four indentations (1.5 cm long) equally spaced around band.

Bronze spearhead with a leaf-shaped blade and a prominent cross-section midrib. The tang is long and curved at the end. Faint decorative engravings around the socket.

Bronze spearhead with a long socket. There is a round hole near the end of the socket, likely original.

Loosely triangular in section; the sides taper into sharp points at both ends.

Hollow, bell-shaped terracotta object. Flares out at bottom, with a rounded body and a narrower top. The top features incised eyes to either side of a beak, and lappets with incised decorations (the flaps of cloth that hung down over the shoulders as…

Shallow bowl with a pinch on one side to form a nozzle. The material is thick and has visible inclusions/temper. A portion of the wick remains intact, tucked into the fold, and there is a slight light line along the inside of the bowl which may be…

Oval in shape.
Obverse: Bust facing right, wearing headdress; two borders present at north, east, west, and south positions.
Reverse: Two figures standing facing forward with a column (?) in between them; three borders, same symbol as on obverse…

Oval in shape.
Obverse: Bust facing left, headdress, bearded.
Reverse: Figure seated right (?), surrounded by square border of characters.

Obverse: bust of double-headed Janus. Reverse legend: ROMA; prow of a ship, facing right.

Obverse legend: IMP(erator) C(aesar) AVRELIANVS AVG(ustus), translation: Imperator Caesar Aurelian Augustus; cuirassed and radiate bust of Aurelian facing right. Reverse legend: PRO-VIDEN(tia) D-EOR(um), translation: Foresight of the gods; Fides…

Obverse legend: IMP(erator) C(aesar) AVRELIANVS AVG(ustus), translation: Imperator Caesar Aurelian Augustus; radiate and cuirassed bust of Aurelian facing right. Reverse legend: PROVIDEN(tia) DEOR(um), translation: Foresight of the gods; Fides,…
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