Browse Items (157 total)

Gnathian oinochoe with trefoil mouth. Inconsistent colouration and imperfect decoration as a result of misfiring. The original scheme of decoration is visible in silhouette form: it includes a painted ogive pattern at the neck, below which is a key…

Two wood tablets, joined by a string, with a wax writing surface and a metal stylus

Bronze arrowhead with a triangular blade and long shaft.

A bilobate bronze arrowhead. Leaf shaped tip.

Terracotta tablet with cuneiform impressed on both sides. Inscription has not been translated.

Terracotta frog lamp; unpierced pointed lug handle; large central filling-hole; one nozzle. Evidence of usage; was possibly glazed. Marks within the lamp indicate that it was likely mold-made, and that the top and bottom components were joined…

Obverse legend: D(ominus)N(oster) IVSTINI-ANVS P(er)P(etuus) AVG(ustus), translation: Our Lord Justinian, Perpetual Augustus; helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justinian I facing front, holding globus cruciger in right hand and shield in left, crosses…

Black glaze oinoche with trefoil lip; body adorned with a series of wide ribbed bands.

A black ople with one handle. The body is adorned with a series of ribbed bands; the stem between the foot and body is painted red. The foot is carinated, defining three profile moldings.

Black base with metal stand holding up a limestone monolith that contains an inscription and a large symbol at the precipice. The stone is trapezoidal in shape.

A fragment of papyrus mounted in a paper frame.

A fragment of papyrus mounted in a paper frame.

A fragment of papyrus mounted in a paper frame.

Small pomegranate fruit sculpted form terracotta clay. The shape is round with irregularities, and tapers into a point on one end, and is shaped into a wide blossom (calyx) on the other end.

Small, dark-coloured vessel formed in the shape of the god Bes. Bes makes up the main body of the vessel, which extends above his head into a short neck with rimmed lip. The figure has a round stomach, and is squatting with his hands resting on his…

Lantern in the shape of a house or a shrine, with a square base and a pyramidal roof. The structure is hollow, and one side remains open to create space for a small lamp to sit within it. The sides and roof have been decorated with triangular…

Small, rounded, light brown object in the shape of a scarab beetle. The top is incised with shell and head details, and the bottom is flat with incised hieroglyphs; all incisions are slightly darker. There is a hole lengthwise from the head to the…

Statuette of the Egyptian Pschent (double crown). The form widens upwards from a round base, and is tallest at the back, representing the white crown. Inset about 5 cm from the bottom, the shape narrows into a sphere with a round protrusion at the…

Pale greenish figurine that resembles the Pharaonic sarcophagi. Indications of a crook across the chest, a flail Traces of black delineations of a crook and flail, as well as a false beard, all symbols associated with pharaohs.

Hollow, bell-shaped terracotta object. Flares out at bottom, with a rounded body and a narrower top. The top features incised eyes to either side of a beak, and lappets with incised decorations (the flaps of cloth that hung down over the shoulders as…

Rectangular papyrus from Roman Egypt with Hieratic text. The exact date in unknown however the Hieratic script stopped being used in the 3rd century CE. It is safe to assume that the Papyrus is not more recent than that date. The papyrus contains 2…

Rectangular Papyrus from Roman Egypt with Greek script, written in the 13th year of Trajan (109-110 CE). Contains 37-38 lines of text written in Greek. Document is probably an application for a lease.

Rectangular ossuary lid featuring a sculpted reclining figure, holding a drinking vessel with a base in the shape of a ram's head. The figure, possibly a man, has their left arm propped on pillows and a wreath or necklace around their neck.

The front displays a female head in profile, with hair tied in a bun, and covered by a kekryphalos. The back displays a large palmette located beneath the vertical pouring handle attached at neck; florals extend from each side of the palmette,…

Apulian kantharos with volute handles and stemmed foot; on each side is displayed a female head in profile with necklace and hair, worn in a bun and covered by a kekryphalos (hairnet); decorated in the red figure style and technique: details are…
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