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Obverse legend: DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG(ustus), translation: Our Lord Theodosius the Dutiful and Fortunate Augustus; rosette diademed and cuirassed bust of Theodosius I facing right. Reverse legend: REPARATIO REIPVB(licae), translation: The Restoration…

Obverse legend: D(ominus) N(oster) VALENTINIANVS P(ius) F(elix) AVG(ustus), translation: Our Lord Valentinian the Dutiful and Lucky Augustus; pearl diademed, draped, cuirassed, and crested helmeted bust of Valentinian II facing right, holding a spear…

Obverse legend: IMP(erator) LICINIVS P(ius) F(elix) AVG(ustus), translation: Imperator Licinius Dutiful and Fortunate Augustus; Laureate and cuirassed bust of Licinius facing right. Reverse legend: SOLI INVICTO COMITI, translation: To my companion,…

Obverse legend: FL(avius) CL(audius) IVLIANVS P(er) P(etuus) AVG(ustus), translation: Flavius Claudius Julianus, eternal Augustus; pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Julian the Apostate (also known as Julian II) facing right. Reverse…

Obverse legend: ANTONINVS AVG(ustus) PIVS P(ater) P(atriae) TR(ibunicia) P(otestate) XXIIII, translation: Antoninus Augustus Pius, father of the country, with tribunician power for the twenty-fourth time; laureate head of Antoninus Pius facing right.…

Obverse: A woman sits surrounded by trees, with her legs to the right and her head tilted downward against her right hand, with her arm propped up by her leg. She is nude from the waist up and has a robe draped around her legs and gathered around her…

Obverse legend (retrograde): ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ, translation: Nero Caesar Augustus; laureate bust of Nero with aegis, facing right. Reverse legend (retrograde): ΕΤΟΥΣ ΒΙΡ, translation: Year 112; eagle holding lightning bolt, facing right, palm…

Black painted plaster, rectangular with one rounded side. There is a hole in the back for hanging. Cuneiform script. Translation: "To the goddess Inanna, the mistress of Eanna, his mistress, Ur-Nammu, the mighty man, the king of Ur, king of Sumer and…

Terracotta tablet with cuneiform impressed on both sides. Inscription has not been translated.

Terracotta tablet with cuneiform impressed on both sides. Inscription has not been translated.

Terracotta tablet with cuneiform impressed on both sides. Inscription has not been translated.

Terracotta tablet with cuneiform impressed on both sides. Inscription has not been translated.

Reproduction of a Cycladic figurine on a granite-like base. The sculpture is milky-white in colour and features a highly stylized depiction of the human form. Figure appears with arms crossed over chest, a long neck, and an oval-like head. The…

Reproduction of female Cycladic figurine on wooden base. The sculpture is milky-white in colour and features a highly stylized depiction of the human form. The figure is depicted standing upright with a large, ovular face with a prominent nose, small…

A small clay cylinder with a hollow middle for attachment to a necklace or bracelet. Engraved with a design along the surface for the purposes of rolling onto fresh clay in order to create a seal. Light blue in colour, with a deeper blue present in…

A small clay cylinder with a hollow middle for attachment to a necklace or bracelet. Engraved with a design along the surface for the purposes of rolling onto fresh clay in order to create a seal. Slightly greenish-beige in colour.

A small clay cylinder with a hollow middle for attachment to a necklace or bracelet. Engraved with a design along the surface for the purposes of rolling onto fresh clay in order to create a seal. Black in colour with brown spots due to wear.

Two rectangular lead panels with moulded designs incorporating vine tendrils, grapes, and kantharoi; bordered with a rope pattern. The panels are mounted on an acrylic base with the smaller one above the longer one. The back of the pannels are flat…

On Friday, October 14th, the University of Ottawa Department of Classics and Religious Studies hosted a lecture by Dr. Robert Weir from the University of Windsor. He presented his research on an ancient coin, which may have been minted at Stymphalos,…

Rectangular papyrus from Roman Egypt with Hieratic text. The exact date in unknown however the Hieratic script stopped being used in the 3rd century CE. It is safe to assume that the Papyrus is not more recent than that date. The papyrus contains 2…

Rectangular Papyrus from Roman Egypt with Greek script, written in the 13th year of Trajan (109-110 CE). Contains 37-38 lines of text written in Greek. Document is probably an application for a lease.

Obverse legend: CONSTANTIUS NOB(ilissimus) CAES(ar), translation: Most Noble Caesar Constantius; laureate bust of Constantius Chlorus facing right. Reverse legend: SACRA MON(eta) VRB(is) AVGG(=Augustorum) ET CAESS(=Caesarum) NN(=Nostrorum),…

Obverse legend: D(ominus)N(oster) IVSTINI-ANVS P(er)P(etuus) AVG(ustus), translation: Our Lord Justinian, Perpetual Augustus; helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justinian I facing front, holding globus cruciger in right hand and shield in left, crosses…

Logo for the Friends of the MCA Club

Terracotta frog lamp; unpierced pointed lug handle; large central filling-hole; one nozzle. Evidence of usage; was possibly glazed. Marks within the lamp indicate that it was likely mold-made, and that the top and bottom components were joined…
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