Browse Items (157 total)

Reproduction of female Cycladic figurine on wooden base. The sculpture is milky-white in colour and features a highly stylized depiction of the human form. The figure is depicted standing upright with a large, ovular face with a prominent nose, small…

Reproduction of a Cycladic figurine on a granite-like base. The sculpture is milky-white in colour and features a highly stylized depiction of the human form. Figure appears with arms crossed over chest, a long neck, and an oval-like head. The…

Shallow bowl with a pinch on one side to form a nozzle. The material is thick and has visible inclusions/temper. A portion of the wick remains intact, tucked into the fold, and there is a slight light line along the inside of the bowl which may be…

Names were chosen to serve the exhibit on loom weights.

Puglia is highlighted in the small reference image in the upper right.

The names of the regions, and waterways identify the places mentioned in the exhibit on loom weights.

Terracotta tablet with cuneiform impressed on both sides. Inscription has not been translated.

Terracotta tablet with cuneiform impressed on both sides. Inscription has not been translated.

Bronze spearhead with a long socket. There is a round hole near the end of the socket, likely original.

Iron shortsword. Seems to be made entirely of iron, blade and handle. Small V-shaped cross guard. Butt of the handle roughly oval shaped and extends further out than the handle.

Bicone shaped lead sling bullets. One end of each is rounded, and one has an inscription.

Cylinder of bone or ivory that tapers off at one end, which ends with an egg shape. Pointed at the opposite end for the purposes of writing.

Rectangular shape, Latin inscription, decorated with leafy border along top edge and large "X" carved in relief on left side. Three holes for mounting. Orange/brown spots near two of the holes. Broken diagonally along right edge. Mounted in black…

Obverse legend: CONSTANTINVS NOB(ilissimus) C(aesar), translation: Most Noble Caesar Constantinus; laureate head of Constantius II, draped and cuirassed bust facing left. Reverse legend: PROVIDENTIAE CAESS(=Caesarum), translation: To the foresight of…

Two rectangular lead panels with moulded designs incorporating vine tendrils, grapes, and kantharoi; bordered with a rope pattern. The panels are mounted on an acrylic base with the smaller one above the longer one. The back of the pannels are flat…

This funerary stele depicts a female figure supporting a small child, possibly a girl, on a draped bed. The child is toward the middle of the image, sitting on or beside the woman. The bed has two supporting legs which are visible, which have…

Obverse legend: DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG(ustus), translation: Our Lord Theodosius the Dutiful and Fortunate Augustus; rosette diademed and cuirassed bust of Theodosius I facing right. Reverse legend: REPARATIO REIPVB(licae), translation: The Restoration…

Obverse legend: IMP(erator) C(aesar) AVRELIANVS AVG(ustus), translation: Imperator Caesar Aurelian Augustus; radiate and cuirassed bust of Aurelian facing right. Reverse legend: PROVIDEN(tia) DEOR(um), translation: Foresight of the gods; Fides,…

Obverse legend: D(ominus) N(oster) VALENTINIANVS P(ius) F(elix) AVG(ustus), translation: Our Lord Valentinian the Dutiful and Lucky Augustus; pearl diademed, draped, cuirassed, and crested helmeted bust of Valentinian II facing right, holding a spear…

Obverse legend: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, translation: Divine Augustus Father; radiate head of Augustus facing left. Reverse legend: SC (=Senatus Consulto), translation: By decree of the Senate; eagle with half spread wings facing right perched on a…

Obverse legend (retrograde): T(itus) CEASAR IMP(erator) VESPASIANVS, translation: Titus Caesar Imperator Vespanian; laureate head of Titus facing right. Reverse legend: CO(n)S(ul) VI, translation: Consul for the sixth time; two oxen, yoked facing…

Obverse legend: [A](ulus) [Vitellius] GERM(anicus) IMP(erator) AVG(ustus) TR(ibunicia) [P](otestate), translation: A. Vitellius Germanicus, Imperator, Augustus with tribunician power; laureate head of Vitellius, facing right. Reverse legend:…

Bronze metal strip shaped to create a curved, dull, blade, with a handle that bends backward to create a double-layered handle. The bronze is green in colour, smooth overall, with rough edges. The blade is curved inwards in a concave shape and bends…

Light-coloured glass bottle with an inverted triangular body, a long, cylindrical neck, and the rim folded outwards. Surface is textured and iridescent, displaying many colours including gold, green, blue, and purple.

Obverse legend (retrograde): ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ, translation: Nero Caesar Augustus; laureate bust of Nero with aegis, facing right. Reverse legend (retrograde): ΕΤΟΥΣ ΒΙΡ, translation: Year 112; eagle holding lightning bolt, facing right, palm…
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