R. Murray Schafer 360°

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The music shown is from Hymn to Night. Inscription: SOMETIMES WE SPENT WHOLE DAYS... | ...LISTENING... | ...TO SINGLE SOUNDS... The drawing is on page 44 of Schafer's "Smoke: A Novel".

""A soundscape is any collection of sounds, almost like a painting is a collection of visual attractions," says composer R. Murray Schafer. "When you listen carefully to the soundscape it becomes quite miraculous." David New's portrait of the…

One of 18 'editing units' from the "'ritual drama' to be performed on a lake at dawn; for 4 sound-poets or actors, 6 dancers, solo soprano, double vocal quartet or double chorus (SAATTBB), flute, clarinet, horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba and percussion…

The cover is composed of details of the music score for Patria: The Prologue, The Princess of the Stars and the detail of a photograph of the Banff Festival production of the opera in 1985, showing a flipped view of the Sun Disc (not shown) flanked…

"Neither the book nor the reader is silent. Listen to the sounds you can make together", writes composer R. Murray Schafer. This dedication for bp and Steve is handwritten and signed by R. Murray Schafer. It is found on page 1 of the unpublished…

A still from a film documentary about R. Murray Schafer that was created by David New in 2009 in conjunction with the National Film Board of Canada. The film documents Schafer's work with the soundscape and explores some of his philosophies on…

Diagrams on page 229 of R. Murray Schafer's unpublished manuscript "The Tuning of the World". The diagrams are Schafer's visual interpretations of sound duration, frequency, internal fluctuations, and dynamics. These interpretations are presented in…

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An enlarged page from R. Murray Schafer's score Divan i Shams i Tabriz. This piece for voice, tape and ensemble was composed in 1969 and was commissioned by the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra Society. The title of the related news article by John…

Score for Snowforms, an 8-minute chorale work for children's voices in Inuit chant in which "the choristers are required to sing drawings in the composer's graphic notation". (University of Ottawa Library. "A Different Kind of 'Rock' from Youthful…

The back of page 6 of " Sun: A Composition for Choir" provides insight into how R. Murray Schafer was thinking about and creating graphic notation. There are notes that are meant to help the performer interpret the graphic notation used in the score.…
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