Tags: Boyle, Ina (Irish, 1889-1967)| choral music| chorus: congregational singing| chorus: mixed chorus| female composer| hymn| language: English| origin: Ireland| Rossetti poem: "St. Michael and All Angels"| sacred music| song
Tags: a cappella| anthem| Burroughs, Bob (American, born 1937)| choral music| chorus: congregational singing| chorus: SATB chorus| Easter music| hymn| language: English| male composer| origin: United States| Rossetti poem: "'None other Lamb, none other Name'"| sacred music| song
Tags: chorus: congregational singing| hymn| language: English| Rossetti poem: "Consider"| song| Unknown ("Chant”)
Tags: chorus: congregational singing| chorus: unison chorus| hymn| language: English| organ| origin: United Kingdom| Rossetti poem: "Martyr's Song"| sacred music| song| Unknown (Welsh traditional melody "Ymdaith Mwngc”)
Tags: chorus: congregational singing| hymn| language: English| Rossetti poem: "Martyr's Song"| song| Unknown (music)
Tags: chorus: congregational singing| hymn| language: English| origin: United Kingdom| Rossetti poem: "'Take no thought for the morrow'"| Setting with unspecified music| song
Tags: chorus: congregational singing| hymn| language: English| origin: United Kingdom| Rossetti poem: "'Lord, grant us grace to rest upon Thy word'"| Setting with unspecified music| song
Tags: chorus: congregational singing| hymn| language: English| origin: United Kingdom| Rossetti poem: "'Because He first loved us'"| Setting with unspecified music| song
Tags: chorus: congregational singing| hymn| language: English| origin: United Kingdom| Rossetti poem: "'That where I am, there ye may be also'"| Setting with unspecified music| song
Tags: chorus: congregational singing| hymn| language: English| origin: United Kingdom| Rossetti poem: "'Grant us such grace that we may work Thy Will'"| Setting with unspecified music| song
Tags: chorus: congregational singing| hymn| language: English| origin: United States| Rossetti poem: "From House to Home”| Setting with unspecified music| song
Tags: chorus: congregational singing| hymn| Rossetti poem: "Weary in Well-Doing"| Setting with unspecified music| song
Tags: chorus: congregational singing| hymn| language: English| Lloyd, Charles Harford (English, 1849-1919)| male composer| origin: United Kingdom| Rossetti poem: "Whitsun Monday"| sacred music| song
Tags: chorus: congregational singing| hymn| language: English| organ| Root, C.B.J.| Rossetti poem: "Weary in Well-Doing"| song
Tags: Brown, Arthur Henry (British, 1830-1926)| carol| children's music| chorus: congregational singing| Christmas music| hymn| language: English| male composer| origin: United Kingdom| Rossetti poem: "A Christmas Carol, for my Godchildren" ("The shepherds had an angel")| sacred music| song
Tags: carol| children's music| children's unison chorus| choral music| chorus: congregational singing| Christmas music| female composer| Holst, Imogen (English, 1907-1984)| hymn| language: English| origin: United Kingdom| Rossetti poem: "A Christmas Carol, for my Godchildren" ("The shepherds had an angel")| sacred music| song
Tags: chorale prelude| chorus: congregational singing| hymn| language: English| male composer| organ| origin: United Kingdom| Rossetti poem: "A Better Resurrection"| song| Walker, Ernest (English, 1870-1949)
Tags: chorus: congregational singing| Christmas music| Friedell, Harold W. (American, 1905-1958)| hymn| language: English| male composer| organ| origin: United States| Rossetti poem: "A Christmas Carol, for my Godchildren" ("The shepherds had an angel")| sacred music| song
Tags: chorus: congregational singing| hymn| language: English| Lowden, Frank T.| male composer| origin: United Kingdom| Rossetti poem: "Advent" ("This Advent moon shines cold and clear")| sacred music| song
Tags: children's music| chorus: congregational singing| hymn| language: English| male composer| organ| origin: United Kingdom| piano| Rossetti poem: "'Who has seen the wind?'"| sacred music| Shaw, Geoffrey Turton (English, 1879-1943)| song
Tags: chorus: congregational singing| female arranger| hymn| language: English| origin: United Kingdom| Rossetti poem: "'What do the stars do'"| sacred music| song| Thomas, Edith Lovell (American, 1878-1970)| Unknown (German Folk Song)
Tags: carol| chorus: congregational singing| Christmas music| hymn| language: English| male composer| organ| Rossetti poem: "A Christmas Carol, for my Godchildren" ("The shepherds had an angel")| sacred music| song| Unknown (tune "TYNEMOUTH”)
Tags: carol| children's music| chorus: children's unison chorus| chorus: congregational singing| Christmas music| hymn| language: English| male composer| Richards, G. Darlington| Rossetti poem: "A Christmas Carol, for my Godchildren" ("The shepherds had an angel")| sacred music| song
Tags: children's music| chorus: congregational singing| Heward, Leslie Hays (British, 1897-1943)| hymn| keyboard| language: English| male composer| origin: United Kingdom| Rossetti poem: "'Who has seen the wind?'"| song
Tags: Anonymous (arrangement)| children's music| chorus: congregational singing| Corner, David Gregor (German, 1585-1648)| hymn| language: English| male composer| origin: Germany| Rossetti poem: "'Who has seen the wind?'"| song
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