This is a photograph of a team of surveyors seemingly taking break while on their voyages "on the North Saskatchewan." Of particular interest is what look like Red River Carts in the background. It has been noted that Red River Carts were used…
Treaties played a key role in the activities of Canadian Dominion Land Surveyors. They generally reflect the need for consensus between Aboriginals and the federal government concerning the transfer of land.
This is an image found in the John McLatchie collection at the Canada Science and Technology Museum. It depicts a surveyor at work with an instrument on a tripod. Given that the photograph was taken from D.L.S. John McLatchie's personal collection,…
This photograph, from the McLatchie Collection at the Library of the Canada Museum of Science and Technology, is an image of what looks like a group of surveyors (possibly including McLatchie) taking a rest while in Castlegar, British Columbia.
This is a photograph taken of Ralph William Clark, which appeared in a biographical column about him in a 1970 issue of S & M News. Clark, in 1953, started the Landmarks Collection for important Canadian survey markers.
This is an image of the famed P.L.S. and D.L.S., John McLatchie, known for his survey work across Canada.. MacLatchie was among the surveyors responsible for the expansion of surveying in the newly acquired territories of Western Canada.
This map displays the treaty agreement of Rolling River First Nation (under South Quill's leadership) under Treaty 4. Although Treaty 4 agreements started being signed in 1874, this map was not created until 1890, generating some room for…
This is a survey map illustrating the Rolling River First Nation's agreement with the federal government, under treaty 2, in 1897. The fact that Rolling River 67 signed both Treaty 4 and 2 is a source of confusion; however, its implications for…
This is a document, finalized in 2008, of the original survey plan of Rolling River (at Township 16) from 1895. The interesting and relevant aspect of this plan is the note at the bottom claiming that the surveys of McLatchie in 1873 were used to…
This is a letter written by John McLatchie in Winnipeg, dated February 1st, 1881. In it, he addresses two individuals about surveys of mining claims that he had completed for them. This letter is significant because its references to First Nations…