


Original Language English
agente diplomatic agent
ambasciatore ambassador
aiutante assistant to a butler
avocato; advocato; avvocato lawyer
avvocato; advocato; avocato lawyer
baglia; balia wet-nurse
balia; baglia wet-nurse
barbiero barber
batteloro gold-beater
calzolaro; scarpinello shoemaker
cameriera (f.) maidservant
cameriero (m); camieriero (m.) servant
camieriero (m.); cameriero (m) servant
canonico a canon, refers to a member of the clergy
cantore cantor singer
capellano; cappellano chaplain
capo vaccaro cattle herder
cappellano; capellano chaplain
cardinal cardinal
carzer possibly a rendering of the Italian carceriere, meaning ‘jailer’
cocchiere; cucchiero; cuchiere coachman
coco; cuoco cook (m.)
copista; scriptore scribe
corteggiano 1) a courtier(formal); 2) a courtesan (informal)
creado a transcribed rendering of the Spanish word criado, meaning ‘servant’
credentiere; magiordomo butler
cucchiero; cocchiere; cuchiere coachman
cuchiere; cocchiere; cucchiero coachman
cuoca cook (f.)
cuoco; coco cook (m.)
dispensiere; fattore steward
dottore doctor
fallegname carpenter
fattore; dispensiere steward
fisico physician
1) page; 2) boy servant
guardaroba wardrober, a servant in charge of a household's clothes
herbarolo herbalist
hoste innkeeper
imbiancatore whitewasher
infermiero nurse
lavorante labourer
maestro (m.); mastra (f.) master of the house
magiordomo; credentiere butler
mastra (f.); maestro (m.) master of the house
mercante merchant
merciaro haberdasher
mondezzaro seller of trinkets
muratore bricklayer, mason
notario notary
orefice goldsmith
organista organist
padrone landlord
palafreniere a groomer of horses, ostler
pittore painter
prete (sometimes rendered as padre); sacerdote priest
priora prioress,a nun in charge of a priory (below rank of an abbess)
priore prior, a rank often lower than an abbot, in charge of running a monastery
procuratore 1) tax collector; 2) legal attorney
regattiero a seller of second-hand goods
registratore de suppliche petitioner, (lit. recorder of supplications)
sacerdote; prete (sometimes rendered as padre) priest
sacrestano; sacristano sexton, lay office of a church, in charge of maintenance
sacristano; sacrestano sexton, lay office of a church, in charge of maintenance
sartore tailor
scalco a carver of meat within a household kitchen (not to be confused with a common butcher: macello (Latin), macellaio (Italian))
scarpinello; calzolaro shoemaker
scholare; scholaro; studente student
scholaro; scholare; studente student
scriptore; copista scribe
scrittore Apostolico Papal scribe
secretario; segretario secretary
segretario; secretario secretary
sotto credentiere footman
spenditore; spidit.re 1) treasurer; 2) bursar, someone who deals with the money of an organization
spidit.re; spenditore 1) treasurer; 2) bursar, someone who deals with the money of an organization
serba; serva; servitrice maidservant
serva; serba; servitrice maidservant
servitrice; serba; serva maidservant
servitore; servo servant
servitu; servitore; servo; servitrice servant
servo; servitore servant
staffiera 1) footwoman; 2) servant (more-likely)
staffiero footman
stillatore possibly a 'distiller,' (from Latin: destillare, 'to distil')
studente; scholar; scolaro student
suora nun
trenitore d’ossi 1)‘bone beater,’ someone who either made various items out of bone (buttons, handles for knives); 2)someone who was employed in the making of glue