Title and Status
Title and Status
Original Language | English |
barone | baron |
capitan | captain |
cavaliere | knight |
cresimato | confirmed, a christian who received their confirmation (often represented at the front of the name with a "C" or "ch") |
duca | duke |
inferma | ill |
non atta.; zoppo | lame |
Patriarca di Gerusalemme | Patriarch of Jerusalem, the Latin titular see of Jerusalem "in partibus infidelium" |
pegionante; pigionante; pisonante; spigionata | lodger |
pigionante; pegionante; pisonante; spigionata | lodger |
pisonante; pegionante; pigionante; spigionata | lodger |
spigionata; pegionante; pigionante; pisonante | lodger |
zitella | spinster |
zoppo; non atta. | lame |