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Obverse legend: DN THEODOSIVS PF AVG(ustus), translation: Our Lord Theodosius the Dutiful and Fortunate Augustus; rosette diademed and cuirassed bust of Theodosius I facing right. Reverse legend: REPARATIO REIPVB(licae), translation: The Restoration…

Obverse legend: IMP(erator) C(aesar) AVRELIANVS AVG(ustus), translation: Imperator Caesar Aurelian Augustus; radiate and cuirassed bust of Aurelian facing right. Reverse legend: PROVIDEN(tia) DEOR(um), translation: Foresight of the gods; Fides,…

Obverse legend: D(ominus) N(oster) VALENTINIANVS P(ius) F(elix) AVG(ustus), translation: Our Lord Valentinian the Dutiful and Lucky Augustus; pearl diademed, draped, cuirassed, and crested helmeted bust of Valentinian II facing right, holding a spear…

Obverse legend: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, translation: Divine Augustus Father; radiate head of Augustus facing left. Reverse legend: SC (=Senatus Consulto), translation: By decree of the Senate; eagle with half spread wings facing right perched on a…

Obverse legend (retrograde): T(itus) CEASAR IMP(erator) VESPASIANVS, translation: Titus Caesar Imperator Vespanian; laureate head of Titus facing right. Reverse legend: CO(n)S(ul) VI, translation: Consul for the sixth time; two oxen, yoked facing…

Obverse legend: [A](ulus) [Vitellius] GERM(anicus) IMP(erator) AVG(ustus) TR(ibunicia) [P](otestate), translation: A. Vitellius Germanicus, Imperator, Augustus with tribunician power; laureate head of Vitellius, facing right. Reverse legend:…

Red Figure kantharos with volute handles. On each side a generic composition associated with the cult of Dionysus (Bacchus). One side depicts a satyr approaching an altar, holding an offering dish in his left hand and a torch in his right hand. A…

Bronze metal strip shaped to create a curved, dull, blade, with a handle that bends backward to create a double-layered handle. The bronze is green in colour, smooth overall, with rough edges. The blade is curved inwards in a concave shape and bends…

Light-coloured glass bottle with an inverted triangular body, a long, cylindrical neck, and the rim folded outwards. Surface is textured and iridescent, displaying many colours including gold, green, blue, and purple.

Obverse legend (retrograde): ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ, translation: Nero Caesar Augustus; laureate bust of Nero with aegis, facing right. Reverse legend (retrograde): ΕΤΟΥΣ ΒΙΡ, translation: Year 112; eagle holding lightning bolt, facing right, palm…

Buff-coloured ceramic tube which is open on one end, and pointed into a cone-shaped nozzle on the other. The material is textured and the tube has ridges across the cylinder section. Faint throwing lines are visible in some places. There is a piece…

A red-coloured ceramic tube which is open on one end, and pointed into a cone-shaped nozzle with only a small opening on the other. The cylinder is slightly more narrow on the open end of the tube, resulting in an irregular shape. The material is…

Rectangular relief depicting a nude, beardless Herakles wrestling the hind of Keryneia. The material is yellowed and textured to imitate the original marble. Herakles's left hand is grabbing the deer's mouth, his right hand is holding a horn, and his…

Marble statue of the Roman god Silvanus. The torso is rectangular in shape with sculpted details of the chest, abdomen, biceps, and genitalia. The strong hip line separates the abdomen from the thighs and indicates a contrapposto pose. A cloak covers…

Obverse: A woman sits surrounded by trees, with her legs to the right and her head tilted downward against her right hand, with her arm propped up by her leg. She is nude from the waist up and has a robe draped around her legs and gathered around her…

One wick discus lamp made with pale, brownish-yellow clay. Round body with a concave discus which features winged Victoria. The representation is indistinct, but the goddess faces left, and a wing is clearly visible on the right. The discus is set…

One wick discus lamp made with pale, reddish brown clay. Round body with a concave discus which features winged Victoria. The representation is indistinct, but the goddess faces forward, with impressions of wings on both sides. The discus is set off…

One wick discus lamp with greyish brown clay. Round body with concave discus, set off by two concentric grooves, and featuring Victoria. The goddess is facing forward and has clearly draped clothing, which she holds in both hands. Wings are visible…

Archaeology Day Image.jpg
On October 12, 2023, the Museum and the student association AECRSA hosted Archaeology Day! The event brought together different interactive booths covering topics such as coin symbolism, Roman scripts, weaving and spinning; as well as local…

Three bladed iron arrowhead with a small tang and a dulled point

Logo for the Friends of the MCA Club

On Friday, October 14th, the University of Ottawa Department of Classics and Religious Studies hosted a lecture by Dr. Robert Weir from the University of Windsor. He presented his research on an ancient coin, which may have been minted at Stymphalos,…

Obverse: bust of double-headed Janus. Reverse legend: ROMA; prow of a ship, facing right.

Obverse legend: D(ominus) N(oster) CONSTA-NS P(ius) F(elix) AVG(ustus), translation: Our Lord Constans, Dutiful and Fortunate Augustus; pearl diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Constans facing right, with A in left field. Reverse legend:…

Obverse legend: IMP(erator) C(aesar) M(arcus) CL(audius) TACITVS AVG(ustus), translation: Imperator Caesar Marcus Claudius Tacitus; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Tacitus facing right. Reverse legend: LAETITIA FUND(ata), translation:…
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