Bibliography - Bibliografía

Avila, Victor, interview by Ethan Allers and Alexandra King, Ottawa, Canada, September 26, 2020.

Baker, Geoffrey. 2014. El Sistema : Orchestrating Venezuela's Youth. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Accessed October 1, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central.

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Bourg, Cameron Hideo. 2005. “Ancient Maya Music Now with Sound.” Master’s theses, Louisiana State University.

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Devroop, Karendra and Beatriz Aguilar. 2006. "The Occupational Aspirations and Expectations of Music Education Majors in Mexico." Research and Issues in Music Education 4 (1): 1-8. 

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Frary, Peter Kun. 2001. “Music & the Socio-Cultural Environment of the Post-Revolutionary Mexico.” 

Gisneros-Cohernour, Edith J., and José Luis Aróstegui. 2011. “A Bachelor in Arts at a Teacher Training School in Southern Mexico. ”In Educating Music Teachers for the 21st Century, edited by José Luis Aróstegui. 51–74. Rotterdam: SensePublishers.

Kajikawa, Loren. 2019. “The Possessive Investment in Classical Music: Confronting Legacies of White Supremacy in U.S. Schools and Departments of Music.” In Seeing Race Again: Countering Colorblindness Across the Disciplines, edited by Kimberlé Crenshaw, Luke Charles Harris, Daniel Martinez HoSang, and George Lipsitz, 155-74. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Kowalczyk, Beata M. 2020. Transnational Musicians: Precariousness, Ethnicity and Gender in the Creative Industry. New York: Routledge.

Lychner, John A. 2008. “Instrumental Music Experiences from Mexico.” Music Educators Journal 94 (4): 40–45. doi:10.1177/00274321080940040105.

Nettl, Bruno. 2004. “American Indian Music.” The Harvard Dictionary of Music. Cambridge: Belknap.

Nettl, Bruno. 2015. "You Will Never Understand This Music: Insiders and Outsiders." In The Study of Ethnomusicology: Thirty-Three Discussions,157-168. University of Illinois Press.

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Pufleau, Luis Velasco. 2012. “Nationalism, Authoritarianism and Cultural Construction: Carlos Chávez and Mexican Music (1921–1952).” Music and Politics 6 (2). doi:10.3998/mp.9460447.0006.203.

Quesada, Milagros Agostini, Olsen, Dale A., Amanda C. Soto. 2010. "Music of Latin America and the Caribbean." In Multicultural Perspectives in Music Education, edited by William M. Anderson and Patricia Shehan Cambell, 79-82. 3rd ed. Vol. 1. United Kingdom: Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Sánchez, Abigail, interview by Ethan Allers and Alexandra King, Ottawa, Canada, September 29, 2020.

Sánchez, Leopoldo A. 2020. “‘A Latino Classical Musician?".” Open Plaza.

Scott, David, Charles M. Posner, Chris Martin, and Elsa Guzman. 2018. The Education System in Mexico. London: UCL Press.

Sisask, Merike, Peeter Värnik, Airi Värnik, Alan Apter, Judit Balazs, Maria Balint, Julio Bobes, Romuald Brunner, Paul Corcoran, Doina Cosman, Dana Feldman, Christian Haring, Jean-Pierre Kahn, Vita Poštuvan, Alexandra Tubiana, Marco Sarchiapone, Camilla Wasserman, Vladimir Carli, Christina W. Hoven, and Danuta Wasserman. 2014. "Teacher Satisfaction with School and Psychological Well-being Affects Their Readiness to Help Children with Mental Health Problems." Health Education Journal 73, no. 4 (July): 382-93. doi:10.1177/0017896913485742.

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