Browse Items (157 total)

Obverse legend: CONSTANTINVS IVN(ior) NOB(ilissimus) C(aesar), translation: Constantinus the Youth, Most Noble Caesar; draped, cuirassed, and laureate bust of Constantine II facing right. Reverse legend: CAESARVM NOSTRORVM, translation: of our…

Obverse legend: MAXIMINVS NOB(ilissimus) CAES(ar), translation: Most Noble Caesar Maximinus; laureate head of Maximinus II facing right. Reverse legend: SAC(ra) MON(eta) VRB(is) AVGG(=Augustorum) ET CAESS(=Caesarum) NN(=Nostrorum), translation: The…

Loosely triangular in section; the sides taper into sharp points at both ends.

Black painted plaster, rectangular with one rounded side. There is a hole in the back for hanging. Cuneiform script. Translation: "To the goddess Inanna, the mistress of Eanna, his mistress, Ur-Nammu, the mighty man, the king of Ur, king of Sumer and…

The stylus is rectangular in section toward the top, and adorned with a pattern of x's bordered by grooves; the top terminates in a grooved pyramid.

Terracotta oil lamp; reddish buff fabric with traces of red slip. Discus iconography: Artemis on stag facing right; she wears a short tunic (her right breast is bared) and holds a spear. Behind her is a filling-hole; a smaller filling (?) hole is…

Loose interpretation, a miniature of the Roman statue, the Dancing Faun, in the garden of the House of the Faun in Pompeii.

The Greek heroes Ajax and Achilles are shown engaged in a board game with dice; the goddess Athena stands in the center behind the figures, presiding. The border above the composition is adorned with a pattern of dots, and the shoulder with a pattern…

Colour: reddish brown with slip. Pegasus (winged horse) facing left. The composition is defined by two concentric ridges. The top of the nozzle is defined by two spiral elements on each side, with three dots in between. There is a filling hole…

Reddish colour with light slip. Shape: two loop handles on either side attached at shoulder; wide, globular body with convex neck that tapers at the rim; footed base. Composition: on one side is pictured a single hare, on each side of which is…

Shape: flat-based jug with single loop handle attached at rim and widest diameter of the body; the side opposite the handle is decorated with a protome of a ram, extending from just below the rim; the animal has a long neck and large eyes; the…

Shape: pedestal foot in two degrees; surface of plate is concave, inclining towards a depression in the centre, surrounded by a groove; the center of the depression is raised; the lip turns out prominently. Fabric colour is beige. The plate depicts…

The lower portion of the pig is block-like and terminates in a base, defined on one side by a slight carination. The front shows more detail than the other three sides: the legs are cursorily differentiated and the face is naturalistic with…

The front displays a female head in profile, with hair tied in a bun, and covered by a kekryphalos. The back displays a large palmette located beneath the vertical pouring handle attached at neck; florals extend from each side of the palmette,…

Apulian kantharos with volute handles and stemmed foot; on each side is displayed a female head in profile with necklace and hair, worn in a bun and covered by a kekryphalos (hairnet); decorated in the red figure style and technique: details are…

The surface has a central tondo, in which is displayed a female head in profile, with hair tied in a bun and held in place by a kekryphalos (hair net) highlighted with white and ochre paint. Below her chin is a small libation bowl, behind her head, a…

The surface has a central tondo, in which is displayed a maenad in profile seated on what appears to be a rocky outcropping (heavily stylized), with hair swept up, and partly covered and held in place by a jeweled sakkos. She wears a diaphanous…

Light pinkish brown clay with light slip; pierced lug handle; flat nozzle with rounded termination, defined by two ridges at base;; recessed discus surrounded by two concentric grooves, followed by a pattern of short bars set perpendicular to the…

Attic Type B skyphos with thin walls and ring foot; two handles one horizontal, one vertical both attached below rim. Light, thin black slip typical of this class. Resting surface of foot and base are reserved except for a ring painted around the…

Loom weights are used to keep the warp (vertical) threads of the warp-weighted loom pulled tight and in place during weaving. Pyramidal loom weights are by far the most common type found in Italy in the first millennium BCE. This loom weight should…

Loom weights are used to keep the warp (vertical) threads of the warp-weighted loom pulled tight and in place during weaving. Pyramidal loom weights are by far the most common type found in Italy in the first millennium BCE. This loom weight should…

Loom weights are used to keep the warp (vertical) threads of the warp-weighted loom pulled tight and in place during weaving. Pyramidal loom weights are by far the most common type found in Italy in the first millennium BCE. This loom weight should…

Loom weights are used to keep the warp (vertical) threads of the warp-weighted loom pulled tight and in place during weaving. Pyramidal loom weights are by far the most common type found in Italy in the first millennium BCE. This loom weight should…

Loom weights are used to keep the warp (vertical) threads of the warp-weighted loom pulled tight and in place during weaving. Pyramidal loom weights are by far the most common type found in Italy in the first millennium BCE. This loom weight should…

Loom weights are used to keep the warp (vertical) threads of the warp-weighted loom pulled tight and in place during weaving. Pyramidal loom weights are by far the most common type found in Italy in the first millennium BCE. This loom weight should…
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