Browse Items (157 total)

Marble statue of the Roman god Silvanus. The torso is rectangular in shape with sculpted details of the chest, abdomen, biceps, and genitalia. The strong hip line separates the abdomen from the thighs and indicates a contrapposto pose. A cloak covers…

One wick discus lamp made with pale, brownish-yellow clay. Round body with a concave discus which features winged Victoria. The representation is indistinct, but the goddess faces left, and a wing is clearly visible on the right. The discus is set…

One wick discus lamp made with pale, reddish brown clay. Round body with a concave discus which features winged Victoria. The representation is indistinct, but the goddess faces forward, with impressions of wings on both sides. The discus is set off…

Obverse: bust of double-headed Janus. Reverse legend: ROMA; prow of a ship, facing right.

Obverse legend: D(ominus) N(oster) CONSTA-NS P(ius) F(elix) AVG(ustus), translation: Our Lord Constans, Dutiful and Fortunate Augustus; pearl diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Constans facing right, with A in left field. Reverse legend:…

Obverse legend: IMP(erator) C(aesar) M(arcus) CL(audius) TACITVS AVG(ustus), translation: Imperator Caesar Marcus Claudius Tacitus; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Tacitus facing right. Reverse legend: LAETITIA FUND(ata), translation:…

Obverse legend: IMP(erator) C(aesar) C(aius) VAL(erius) DIOCLETIANVS P(ius) F(elix) AVG(ustus), translation: Imperator Caesar Gaius Valerius Diocletian the dutiful and successful Augustus; radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Diocletian facing…

Obverse legend: IMP(erator) C(aesar) AVRELIANVS AVG(ustus), translation: Imperator Caesar Aurelian Augustus; cuirassed and radiate bust of Aurelian facing right. Reverse legend: PRO-VIDEN(tia) D-EOR(um), translation: Foresight of the gods; Fides…

Obverse legend: IMP(perator) C(aius) M(essius) Q(uintus) TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG(ustus), translation: Imperator Gaius Messius Quintus Trajan Decius Augustus; radiate, draped, cuirassed bust of Trajan Decius facing right. Reverse legend: PANNONIA-E,…

Obverse legend: CONSTANTINVS P(ius) F(elix) AVG(ustus), translation: Constantine Dutiful and Successful Augustus; cuirassed and laureate bust of Constantine I facing right. Reverse legend: COMITI AVGG(=Augustorum) NN(=Nostrorum), translation: to the…

Obverse legend: IMP(erator) C(aesar) M(arcus) OPEL(lius) SEV(erus) MACRINVS AVG(ustus), translation: Imperator Caesar Marcus Opellius Severus Macrinus Augustus; laureate, cuirassed bust of Macrinus facing right. Reverse legend: FIDES MILITVM,…

Obverse legend: IMP(erator) LICINIVS P(ius) F(elix) AVG(ustus), translation: Imperator Licinius Dutiful and Fortunate Augustus; Laureate and cuirassed bust of Licinius facing right. Reverse legend: SOLI INVICTO COMITI, translation: To my companion,…

Obverse legend: IMP(erator) CLAVDIVS P(ius) F(elix) AVG(ustus), translation: The Imperator Claudius dutiful and successful; radiate, draped and cuirassed right facing bust of Claudius II (also known as Claudius Gothicus). Reverse legend: FIDES…

Obverse legend: IMP(erator) C(aesar) CARAVSIVS (Carausius) P(ius) F(elix) AVG(ustus), translation: Imperator Caesar Carausius dutiful successful and fortunate Augustus; radiate cuirassed bust of Carausius, facing right. Reverse legend: PAX AVG(usti),…

Obverse legend: D(ominus) N(oster) VALENTINIANVS P(ius)F(elix) AVG(ustus), translation: Our Lord Valentinian, dutiful and successful Augustus; helmeted with pearl-diadem, draped and cuirassed bust of Valentinian II facing right, holding spear and…

Obverse legend: C(aius) PIV(s) ESV(vius) TETRICVS CAES(ar), translation: Gaius Pius Esuvius Tetricus, Caesar; draped, cuirassed, and radiate bust of Tetricus II facing right. Reverse legend: SPE-S AVGG(=Augustorum), translation: Hope of the Augusti;…

Obverse legend: [IM]P(erator) CA[ES]AR VESPASIA[N] [AVG](ustus), translation: Imperator Caesar Vespasian Augustus; laureate bust of Vespasian, facing right. Reverse legend: PON(tifex) MAX(imus) TR(ibunica) P(ater)P(atriae) CO(n)S(ul) V CENS(or),…

Obverse legend: IMP(erator) GORDIANVS PIVS FEL(ix) AVG(ustus), translation: Dutiful and prosperous Emperor Gordian Augustus; Draped and cuirassed radiate bust of Gordian III facing right. Reverse legend: AETERNITATI AVG(ustus), translation: Eternal…

Obverse Legend: IMP(erator) L(ucius) VERVS AVG(ustus), translation: Imperator Lucius Verus, Augustus; bare head of Lucius Verus, facing right. Reverse Legend: PROV(identia) DEOR(um) TR(ibunicia) P(otestate) III CO(n)S(ul) II, translation: Providence…

Obverse legend: CONSTANTIUS NOB(ilissimus) CAES(ar), translation: Most Noble Caesar Constantius; laureate bust of Constantius Chlorus facing right. Reverse legend: SACRA MON(eta) VRB(is) AVGG(=Augustorum) ET CAESS(=Caesarum) NN(=Nostrorum),…

Obverse legend: MAXIMIANVS NOB(ilissimus) CAES(ar), translation: Most Noble Caesar Maximianus. Pearl-diademed bust right of Galerius (also known as Maximianus), with parallel wreath ties of different lengths, and the longer tie trailing right.…

Obverse legend: FL(avius) CL(audius) IVLIANVS P(er) P(etuus) AVG(ustus), translation: Flavius Claudius Julianus, eternal Augustus; pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Julian the Apostate (also known as Julian II) facing right. Reverse…

Obverse legend: D(ominus) N(oster) VALENTINI-ANVS P(ius) F(elix) AVG(=Augustus), translation: Our Lord Valentinian II, Dutiful Fortunate/Successful Augustus; draped, pearl diademed bust of Valentinian II facing right.
Reverse legend: REPARATIO…

Obverse legend (retrograde): DOMITIANVS AVG(ustus) IMP(arator) CAESAR, translation: Domitian Augustus Imperator Caesar; laureate head of Domitian facing right. Reverse legend: TR(ibunicia) P(otestate) CO(n)S(ul) VII, translation: Consul with…

Obverse legend: HADRIANVS AVG(ustus) COS(=consul) III [P](ater) [P](atriae), translation: Augustus Hadrian, consul three times, father of the country; laureate bust of Hadrian facing right. Reverse legend: IVST[ITIA] AVG(usti), translation: Justice…
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