Campus Voices 1970-1975
Dublin Core
Campus Voices 1970-1975
Collection of oral histories from witnesses to North American campuses
Collection Items
Boogaart, Thomas Sr. (interview)
Testimonial about Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan during the 1970s, including the antiwar movement and the counterculture revolution.
Brassard, Pierre-Paul (interview)
Testimonial about life at the University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario as a student in the 1970s, including the Vietnam war and popular culture.
Hurtubise, Madeleine. (Interview)
An interview regarding pop culture and the female experience on the UOttawa campus in the 1970s.
H, Jessica (interview)
Interview about student life on the uOttawa campus in the 1970s covering student life, social issues of the time, and generational differences.
Almand, Kathleen (interview)
Testimonial about the University Of Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario during the 1970s, including the bilingual culture, counterculture, and women's experience on campus.
Naiomi (pseudonym), interview
Testimonial about the University of Ottawa during the 1970s, including the impact of popular culture, the female experience, sexuality and harassment specifically in the Science department.
M., Jacob (Interview)
Testimonial about life in and around uOttawa, as well as Boston, Massachusetts during the 1960’s and 70’s. Mainly concerning life at the Law School at the University of Ottawa, and gender, sexuality, and race relations.